Homebrew OS?
Don't you mean "cribbed OS" in the stereotypical Chinese way of "Embrace and extend?"
65 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2010
The FTC having such a small budget and workforce isn't surprising if you take into account that Republicans don't want it to exist, and Democrats are beholden to corporate overlords for campaign money. The former is the same reason the IRS has such a small enforcement division, even though every dollar spent on enforcement returns almost three in owed taxes.
This is all more evidence that we need to move to exclusively public funded elections to help minimize the grossly outsized influence of the top 1% of earners in the US.
Personally, having worked IT in a couple of different three-letter classified environments, I think corporations that produce security sensitive software have dropped the ball on air-gapping their dev systems a long time ago. eg I found RSA's breach to be astonishing.
The exact same thing could be said about the Chinese. When the US offered to let those Chinese studying in America stay after the Tiananmen Square massacre, my first thought was that this would be a HUMINT boon to the CCP, and I'm sure it was. Plenty of those studying here had aspirations to intelligence careers, and the rest all had family back home who would be hostage to the CCP's demands of those not willing to cooperate. All the same can be said about Russians abroad.
"Now, on the whole, the right are more likely to be COVID deniers but in this instance I don't care about that. The State did wrong and it needs to be on recorded at court that they did wrong, and that's the entire reason for the case."
Tsk, tsk. You're assuming the statements in the case are factual. This is funded by a Cock brother, and you should be more sceptical.
We who live in CA already have to buy special gas heaters and water heaters that adds about 25% to the cost.
Both our water heaters are relatively new, but our furnace is aged, at least 30 years old. I guess we'll be replacing it right before the ban. I already have a rediculous PG&E monthly bill over $300, and that's with our roof covered with solar. Too many older servers, plus other misc electronic kit. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay to have new electrical installed to power the water heaters and furnace. I'll fucking drive to a nearby state and buy what I need. Almost did that with the last water heater I bought.
"No data from remote PCs ever traverses a network – remote users see only bitmaps."
So, pray tell, how does one log in? How does input happen? Are bitmaps not data? All of this is valuable info for an adversary and must be taken into account, and marketing bullshit claiming no data traverses the network is disingenuine. Some may see this as a quibble, but it's not.
One of Teradici's first markets, if not the first, was classified diskless workstation computing. Not long before the introduction of PCoIP there started a big push in the US Federal govt to move classified clients to diskless solutions. Unfortunately, most widely known solutions were thin clients that weren't suitable for anything beyond simple office computing. Teradici's product aimed to overcome these limitations by providing remote access to workstations, instead of the terminal servers that were in vogue at the time.
The UK is in this position thanks to Russian misinformation/campaigning for Brexit, voter apathy, and the moronic Brexiteers themselves. WTF did the Brexiteers think was going to happen? Instead of being a big fish in an economically-strong hurd, they are now a rogue hamster that is going to get squashed between the jostling big three rabid hippopotami, China, the EU, and the US. This is what Brexiteers were selling, and way too many morons bought into it. So now they can reap the milkshakes they've sown. The UK's only choice is to enjoy their hamstership, join BRICS if it ever turns into an effective trade block, or go crawling back to the EU with their kneepads on and ready swallow.
You sorta beat me to it. I wanted to say that I have no beef with ASAT systems as long as they result in de-orbiting all the components of the satellite. There is enough junk floating around in space as it is.
Just think of poor Endor and all the shit left in orbit after the Rebel Alliance blew up the second Death Star....
Commuting is not part of actual work. If they had to use their car to visit clients, then yes, CA law requires reimbursement.
What about use of their domicile as office space? That also should be reimbursed. This is especially pertinent to employers who have decided they like not having to pay for office space and all that goes with it.
Amazon is simply displaying the increased trend over the last 50+ years to compensate employees less and redistribute wealth upward to the maximum extent they can get away with. Fuck them.
"Here is a story about Apple, an American company, censoring freedom of speech at the behest of an authoritarian government.
Does it really matter if it is only in China or do we only give a shit when it affects us?"
No, what matters is my original statement, facts, and semantics.
Apple's cooperation with China's government was done under color of law, and therefore isn't similar AT ALL to what Lithuania has discovered.
Cite one single similar instance of such an egregious breach of freedom of speech perpetrated by an EU, UK, Japanese, or US firm to back up your baseless accusation. Don't just spout contrarian bullshit you anonymous coward.
Thank you to Lithuania and their contribution to international freedom of speech.
A useless, bigoted comment. They aren't "trying to make Linux more like Windows" any more than adding XFS support made Linux more like IRIX, UFS support made it more like Solaris, etc. Likewise, the only way it'll benefit malware purveyors is if it's buggy, just like any other kernel code. It doesn't have any actual Windows code in it. It's merely another tool in Linux's toolbox. Grow up.
> No Trump fan, but can we leave out everything having to mention him at the slightest chance? It's becoming the new Godwins law.
Hitler. Hitler Hitler. Stalin Trump Hitler. Trump Trump Trump. Hitler Trump. Stalin.
Mao. Trump Mao Hitler. Stalin Mao. Stalin Stalin Stalin Putin. Putin Trump Hitler Stalin. Mao Putin.
"But the ban also comes against a background of China being increasingly insistent that Taiwan – which it characterises as a rogue province – should again become part of a single Chinese nation."
Not that there has ever been much of a chance of Taiwan ever willingly reuniting with China, but fucking over Hong Kong hasn't increased the chances.
China's treatment of Hong Kong is a perfect example of what Trump would do to America if he had the chance.
Rossman Repair Group. They do component-level repair. Saving Mac owners from being screwed by Apple is their speciality. (Said in Obi-Wan Kenobi's voice) The owner is a rabid advocate of right-to-repair, traveling across the country spreading the good word to legislative bodies. He also has some cool videos on YouTube.
I hope you guys enjoy Brexit and realize all the wonderful benefits Farage and Johnson conned you into thinking you'll real being free of the EU.
To quote Otto from A Fish Called Wanda:
"Oh you English are SO superior aren't you? Well, would you like to know where you'd be without US the good old U.S. of A. to protect you? I'll tell you. The smallest fucking province in the Russian Empire, that's where! So DON'T call me stupid, lady. Just THANK me! ...If it wasn't for us, you'd all be speaking German, singing, "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles!"
We shouldn't be lenient on the dirtbag. He's one of the very, very few that we've been about to catch and hold accountable. Unless he turns Abagnale and fully cooperates under close supervision, he needs to feel the full punishment under the law. It may not be a deterrent, but it's just.
The weapons that the Norks have detonated to date have been relatively low-yield fission devices, the most powerful of which was estimated to be no more than 30KT. Depending on design, it is true that low-yield fission devices can be more efficient at producing E1 effects than fusion devices, but the effects are limited to line-of-sight. The E3 effects are what knock out the power grid, and the E3 effect of low-yield fission devices is insufficient to produce anything other than regional outages. Thus, NK would be best served attacking the northeastern part of the US where its financial and federal centers are concentrated, but their current delivery vehicles are incapable of reaching this area from their territory. To overcome this NK could develop a ship-launched weapon.
You realize Google "taxes" software developers the exact same 30%, right? Where's your outrage over that?
I don't have a problem with that because Google allows other app stores, such as Amazon's, to be installed onto Android devices. Apple doesn't allow anything to be installed that doesn't come from their App Store and give them their cut. Closed systems are ultimately detrimental to consumers by trying to prevent competition and stifling innovation, among other ills. And please don't give me the closed-garden security drivel; it's beneath The Reg's audience.
Did you think that software developers selling programs for Windows got to keep the entire sales price you paid when you bought a nice shrinkwrapped CD at Best Buy? They didn't even get 30% of it, let alone 70%. And most of them didn't get shelf space on Best Buy, whereas every software developer who follows the rules and pays $99/yr gets "shelf space" at the App Store.
No, I know better having worked computer retail 31 years ago, and still being capable of a reasonable amount of accurate observation today. But, second verse, same as the first: Computer retail is far more open than Apple's App Store, with developers not being prevented from marketing competing technologies to the OS platform developer. And yes, I'm aware of having to pay for shelf space and prime display real estate.
As for the percentage of retail prices developers get to keep, the price of software for traditional productivity platforms is higher, though I haven't bothered to Google app store revenue vs traditional channels.
"They supply us with a single connectivity component, but for years have been demanding a percentage of the total cost of our products – effectively taxing Apple's innovation," Apple said via a spokesperson."
Like how Apple taxes software developers' innovation 30% of the cost of apps sold on the App Store? Hypocritical bastards. This is one of the reasons I dislike Apple so.
It is not "the Ukraine," but simply Ukraine.' This actually changed when Ukraine went from being a region of the former Russian Empire to a republic of the USSR. However, it was not properly recognized by foreign entities until formally codified in Ukraine's declaration of independence from the USSR and its constitution. Google is your friend.