Unanswered questions....
What colour are the seat cushions?
67 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2007
I've stuck with Demon to avoid the cycle of falling from one bad ISP to another that only looks better because it hasn't shafted you yet.
Anticipation of Thus falling to Clueless and Witless's level of incompetence may be all very reasonable. But where can one go for anything better?
But don't you see the opportunities here?
Buy an off the shelf company, tender for the inevitable replacement contract and get it by promising the earth for tuppence then within the year you too could be trousering millions for delivering nothing.
Slightly more seriously I have some sympathy with Fujitsu. Government contracts are essentially impossible, principally because the civil servants who negotiate them generally have no idea what they want then change the terms when they realise that what they bought isn't actually what they need. At least Fujitsu have had the decency to say they don't want to play this game. Other companies in similar situations have milked such situations for contract variation fees many, many times the value of the initial deal.
backhanders are a possibility, but if you go with Occam's "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" incompetence is sufficient explanation.
Like mugs and pens and mugs and post-its and mugs and mice-mats. But mostly mugs.
And the T-shirts... well hardly geeky, are they. Now a polyester button-down collar, short sleeve shirt with breast pocket AND pocket protector with BOFH logon on the other side. Well, then you'd be talking.
We've got an agency-worshipping, box-ticking HR department, determined to find perfect candidates, expert at everything we do.
The idea that we hire someone who might have the ability to learn what we do rather than know it all already is given short shrift.
This is why we have three vacancies. And have had at least two at any given time for the last two years.
Being a pathological upgrader I looked at the 450D.
Having the 350D and this 400D which share: battery format; CompactFlash cards and add-on battery pack.
The 450D has moved to SD card and changed the battery format. The improvements, while real, are not significant enough to warrant carrying around 2 types of whatevers to feed the thing.
So perhaps this review is timely: Get a rather good camera at an advantageous price. The more so for existing cannon users or anyone with a pile of CF cards.