* Posts by krkr8m

7 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Nov 2010

Obama is best Pres 'to beat alien invasion'


Doctor Manhattan

Doctor Manhattan would be the best if he decided to help instead of watch and see what happens.

Apple slapped with second Siri senility lawsuit


You draw the line at Siri?

You paid for a Porsche, got an old model VW Bug, and you are complaining that the seats don't lean back as far as promised. You should be grateful that you have been given the great honor of being in the same room as an iPhone. What is wrong with you?

Ethics profs fret over cyborg brains, mind-controlled missiles



Just Sayin.

Ten... top Android games


iOS the traditional gaming platform?

"Traditionally, if you wanted your phone or media player to double up as a gaming platform, you bought an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch." Where did you get this gem?

One per cent of world's web browsing happens on iPad



A large percentage of Android phones run with a different user agent than Android. I currently switch between being viewed as an iPhone, a Windows PC and a Mac OS-X PC. This is a large percentage of the Android community since the option comes stock on many Android phones.

We need an Android icon.

Samsung's Android tablet: split and eviscerated



"The Galaxy Tab (top) is both smaller and chubbier than its Jobsian rival (source: iFixit)"

The Galaxy Tab is 11.98mm thick to the Ipad's 13.4mm. How is that chubbier. It is literally thinner. That picture looks purposefully doctored, or at least distorted, by angle and lens.

Fanbois, if a products evidence of superiority must be manufactured it is an inferior product.

Rethinking the iPhone

Paris Hilton

Another Android

One more Android lover. Seriously you could have just bought an Android phone which does all of this.

Paris. How long will it take to make a Paris android once humanoid android manufacture is perfected?