Doctor Manhattan
Doctor Manhattan would be the best if he decided to help instead of watch and see what happens.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Nov 2010
A large percentage of Android phones run with a different user agent than Android. I currently switch between being viewed as an iPhone, a Windows PC and a Mac OS-X PC. This is a large percentage of the Android community since the option comes stock on many Android phones.
We need an Android icon.
"The Galaxy Tab (top) is both smaller and chubbier than its Jobsian rival (source: iFixit)"
The Galaxy Tab is 11.98mm thick to the Ipad's 13.4mm. How is that chubbier. It is literally thinner. That picture looks purposefully doctored, or at least distorted, by angle and lens.
Fanbois, if a products evidence of superiority must be manufactured it is an inferior product.