Yeah Right
They clearly haven't tried to watch the EPL streamed via Optus then have they
10 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Nov 2010
Hold on - all the KRudd/Juliar fanbois have said that ADSL is too slow and noone wants it...
All you had to do was build it and everyone would sign up to it...
So more bullshit from Labour and the FTTH smelly greasy spotty virgin nerds who dont have a fecking clue about what they wibble on about...
Actually loser, unlike you stupid smelly spotty greasy virgin nerd fanboys who cream their pants over everything their favorite vendor does, instead of actually critically analyzing anything, we have used the win 8 metro ui on a desktop and it sucks arse big time. Maybe because all you do is play wow with all your other loser virgin friends you don't realize just how shit it is...but for those of us that actually do REAL work it's complete and utter shite and makes our daily tasks a considerable deal more difficult!
No one no where, who actually works in the real world, is ever going to only use a touch device! Anyone who doesn't understand the desktop is here to stay, along with the mouse and keyboard is beyond retarded!
1. The poster did not say the Tornados are sexier - he said the Harriers were!
2. Whether or not an Apache can be shot down by a Bow and Arrow is irrelevent - this has absolutely no bearing on whether than can be launched from HMS Illustrious or not!
I am guessing you are only 15 and thus typical Gen Y - stupid, lazy, greedy, arrogant and a complete and utter total waste of space!