Re: This is Microsoft
And what is next month's name?
238 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2010
Nobody has touched on the human and psychological angle. The top players place great store on their ability to spot "tells" and to avoid giving them. That is why they often wear hoodies,and dark glasses, and practise their poker faces. Maybe against a computer one of their important skills is worthless. Of course online poker is different.
In Sicily I loved the automated payments - compared with the alternative. The petrol pumps were automated on one side and "assisted" on the other. Spivvy attendants spot the rental cars and wave them into the assisted side where the perol costs 25% more.
The other gotcha is when filling the tank prior to returning it at the airport. The car has to be returned with a full tank but the automated system demands that you prepay for the amount of petrol you need. You have to sort this out with the aforementioned spiv watching and smirking.
Not just the UK, in my brand new apartment in Brazil all three showers had drainage points in the highest part of the floor. Must be something to do with being in the southern hemisphere and what Brazilians thinks of as down is really up
They did it on the balcony floor too!.
It is probably a bit drastic to move to Brazii just to get good sports TV. I can get the golf majors, Tour de France, F1, Wimbledon, most important rugby internationals, loads of European soccer including live UK Premiership matches and loads more. Over half have commentaries in English too. Pity I don't get most Brazilian footie :)
If you look at the source of their home page you will wonder how it got as big as it is. The statistics were:
266 Lines 42018 words 194,501 characters and 194502 Bytes.
All that to show a graphic, a few icons and a dozen or so words. Yes, I know it is a bit more complicated than that but ....
we have been told about data security.
There are gazillions of web pages telling us how to safely dispose of hard drives. Everything from multiple overwrites to break them into a thousand pieces, heat them to 1000 degrees, grind them to powder and put it all in a safe for the next thousand years.
Now it seems that all one needs to do is run rm -rf as root "you just nuked your entire company.”