* Posts by lokanadam

9 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2010

Mozilla needs to find alternatives to the Google umbilical

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they realized it - but too late

Can we hope firefox-os can give us more freedom ?

dont think so ! too late ! ppl r locked-in to not one but two ecosytems.

The open firefox browser should never have put a google search box by default;

as if google is non-profit and it has the best interests of web consumers.

Has Nokia bottomed out? El Reg drills into the detail


Q3 2012 will be the mariana trench for nokia

But from Q4 2012 the grand revival will start !

Microsoft expands Xbox extras

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smart glass is a device independent

smart glass :

1. device independent [ works on android, ios, wp7, wp8, w8, wrt ,etc]

2. it is not a readmade app: it is rather a platform that devs can creatively capitalize on

3. for example:

a tv remote

a game controller

a keyboard to browse menus and internet [IE]

a companion for tv shows, movies, games and music.

a mouse / keyboard [both] with tv being the monitor and xbox being CPU

Microsoft's dumpster-diver partner strategy is rubbish


what about skype, instagram

I dont understand matt; why you have not considered skype and instagram.

obviously they are leaders in their respective fields and are now sided with microsoft.

Microsoft bigs up open source, then stuffs it under the sofa

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opensource cannot sustain real corps.

simple open source rules corps follow [including famed open-Google and others]

1. software that is bread and butter to my company - keep it locked in

[ google search engine, google gmail , etc]

2. software that will kill my competitors - make it open source

[ google docs, etc]

3. software that will make my proprietary s/w more popular / deeply routed - make it open source

[ google android, etc]

- freemium is the other face of open source.

- also I hope the commentators here have a clarity about being open and providing open source code.

Silverlighters committed despite Microsoft's HTML5 love

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two sides of a coin

its the blogs and the media gone crazy, i for one working with silverlight and html5 am not bothered a bit.

both will live long enough and compensate each other, as they have individual strengths and weaknesses.

Dell Duo to debut in December

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new form factors

pc+tablet form factors: compare acer courier
with dell duo

Apache open sourcers welcome Google's unwanted Wave


google wave = facebook messages

I was wondering if google wave found an avatar as facebook messages, how r they different ?

Intel lobs pork buns at world gone Google


enterprise customers dictate cloud roadmap and interoperability

cloud is all about enterprise acceptance, with reliability, security and lockin issues at stake.

no wonder the alliance is supported by the appropriate kind.