"and then enter the unsecure public networks, "
43 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2010
I had a quick read on http://www.ansar1.info and it is pretty racy verbiage, so long as you lived a thousand years ago. Im my opinion it's a load of crazy-preacher talk.
A wonderful example of super superfluous twaddle is here:
"And may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, and those who follow him. Thereafter:
Our hearts bleed and our eyes shed tears for the passing of our beloved preaching Mujahid scholar Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi, may Allah have wide mercy upon him and accept him among the martyrs. He was a model and example to the Ummah, a man who put Jihad for the sake of Allah above all else. Even with the cowardly drones of the kufaar flying over him, our Sheikh feared no one but Allah the Almighty and waged Jihad with his tongue, his pen, and himself, and may Allah give him the greatest of rewards for his efforts and make him reside with the martyrs in the Gardens of Paradise."
Well then, what message are we sending when we print cartoons depicting Mohammed in a bikini yet with the other hand arrest a man that compared a Greek monk to a pasta dish.
EU: Repeal all these blasphemy laws now : Laws that Greece are free to re-enact if they untangle themselves from the EU ;)
The industry's illusion that its plastic food preservation techniques, packaging and sweetly salty water pumed food is what people want should be challenged. Both organic and non-organic food processes suffer the same problems. In these cases both foods are bad for you.
I do not want a bite of plastic wrapped food with glucose syrup and salt.
When was the last time you bought a glass bottle of milk? From Unigate?
Dig and then burn your own coal from the disused coal seam down the road. It'll keep you warm in the winter, heat your water, and make for great summer barbies.
On top of all this, it may well be free! (What no coal seam near you? Just substitute coal with some pine trees - The local country will pay you to take those away.)
GeoIP is also used for target advertisments. I live in the Netherlands, yet do not speak Dutch. There are advertisments all over my screen (perhaps more so than most countries given the Dutchmens' love of trading) and don't have a clue what is being offered. I think GeoIP is great :D I shall be saddened when they cotton on to this. The downside is that many gmail settings are forced into Dutch, so I cannot use these, which in turn means I stopped using Gmail, which turned out to be a good thing :D
The supermarkets did the same with the butchers, bakers greengrocers and milkmen. Undercut them out of existence, and then put their prices up to making a profit again once the small businesses were out of business.
The small businesses did not stand a chance, and we gained KingsMill foam bread, hormone enhanced milk, and tasteless fruit and veg. The butchers probably left the country, and no one will every be fathers by the twinkle in a milkman's eye.
The supermarkets got away with it. Regardless of the outcome of the French court-case, Google has pretty much won :( I support the token gesture of the fine meted out.
Bigger businesses win: Look, in every country one can legally sell cigarettes to teenagers in the safe knowledge that these will cause life threatening disease.
"radio stations will by law, have to play it. Will they thwart the law to continue making sheep out of the people? "
Radio playlists are no governed by law. These people have a very distorted view of the world. I wish they would grow up and start taking drugs like the rest of us. I won't buy it.
Lest us forget the irony of them claiming the law should play their party tune, when they are willing to break the law. Have to love the cheek of it.
Paris, because she would not be seen dead with a bunch of pubescent basement dwellers, but she may be content to sell them some slinky lingerie and television series on DVD.
NFC was omitted from the i9100 16Gb EU (yes this includes the UK) version. The last Samsung press release mentioned that the 32Gb i9100 would have the NFC devil's prongs on it. However, I noticed that some vendors still note the lack of the NFC on the 'phone, but this was based on old information.
Rooted (took a week) and custom kernels are available. The Voodoo Project (supercurio) is working on a similar Voodoo Colour and Voodoo Sound kernel mod for the S2. Please refer to the xda-developers forum.
As I write there are no proper custom ROMs available, but it has only been out for 19 days (in the UK).
Who cares if one looses control over ones facebook account. Surely you could phone all your friends and tell them to un-friend you, and then befriend you on your newly created FB account!
Side-tracked there: are we discussing something else...
And for the real saving:
Cost of charging your phone at home:
Assume a 2AH 3V battery (typical).
Assume 10c per KW Hour (I pay this in CA).
Energy in battery = 2 * 3 = 6 Watt hours.
Cost = 6*0.1/1000 = 0.06 cents.
Figure an efficiency of 50% for the charger and battery, so the cost of the actual power used is 0.12 cents.
In other words, a small fraction of a cent.
25 quid *1.62 = 40 dollars and 50 pennies.
40.50 = 4050 cents * 100 = 405000
405000 / 12 = 33750
I'd have to charge the phone 33750 times to get my money back!
Either I'd be dead from natural causes before, or the dynamo would have broken in the inevitable car crash.
Just download your email often to you computer and stick it on a USB drive. if its not possible to archive messages to a local disc, then you could set upa forward to automcatiicaly send all messages you send or recieve to another cloud based Email account.
I run my own a nice postfix/dovecot/Spamass set-up running rather nicely with rsnapshot running hourly backups. Much preferable to any gmail yahoo hotmail etc service around.
The useful ideas are outnumbered by the waste of time brigade.
Item 6042:
* Do you think any polotitions actually read these comments.
<p>If you are an MP reading these comments please leave a message and mame.</p>
<p> If no names are left then we know we are wasting our time....</p>
My reply: use a spell checker and the politicians might reply.
Item 6047 is similar.
Item 6144:
* Reintroduce transportation to Fraggle Rock
There are some good ones in there.
So, about 20Mb an hour which is about 40 pence per hour.
10 hours per month = 4 pounds, or 48 pounds per year.
This may well be fine for those who only use Skype to Skype, but for myself whose Skype phone is based mainly on Skype in and out, then it changes.
Instead of ditching Skype and using the ISP cum telephony operators VoIP system, (as my ISP would like me to), I shall probably hi-jack my neighbours wireless connection and let them pay for my calls. There is now a real reason to hi-jack someones connections by Joe Bloggs. I expect there to be greater interest in hacking into others' networks by general public, because there could save a fair whack on money, and some dubious programmer will write a pretty GUI for cracking the neighbours wifi WEP/WPA etc. Well, maybe, maybe not.
I have used aVast, which I thought was pretty good compared to other bloatware (Norton). I have been told that NOD32 is the fastest and one of the best providers of protection. I boot into WXP for one computer game, and spend the rest of my time using either an Android 'phone at home and Linux on the notebook for work. There is little reason for me to have an AV.
Instead of shelling out more money I removed aVast and installed Clam. Its an open source on-demand scanner. The game I play on WXP is now far faster, & WXP completes the log in far quicker than afore. I am pleased because I cannot afford to buy a new notebook for home.
Everyone has gone insane. Pay ... for ... Angry Birds ?! I can go down the local pub on a Sat night out and find plenty of those.
I have the annoying birds on my Android; It ceased its lure after the tenth level: I was on a train with plenty of time. Pleased that it was free, because I would have been saddened it I had to part with money for it.
For a nice free game on Android I recommend Robo Defense, and for Windows or Linux (wine) Neocron or Anarchy Online -- Yeah :)
" that the country was assigned .uk, rather than the .gb " - No, two TLDs were assigned to Blightly - .gb and .uk. .uk was a mistake because it was derived from the earlier JANET system. .gb was still created at the same time, but sadly fell into disuse. It would be nice to have a specific timeline, but I have not found one, yet.
bash-3.2# nslookup hermes.dra.hmg.gb
Using /etc/hosts on: y7-059
looking up FILES
Trying DNS
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: hermes.dra.hmg.gb