Gnome was made by The trash icon hater Nazis that want to rectally forced feed people (CIA style) with their different way of doing things. Terrible. And they even dare to make it evolve with time to make it better. Teeeerrrrriblllee.
So YEARS(!!?!) after the creation of Gnome 3 we still have comment about how bad Gnome is, how people are stupid using it and how people will have to walk on their dead body to make them use this unholy GUI.
Use something else. Quit trolling.
But honestly we see less of them.
Now we have a Greater Nazi Scare : SYSTEMD. Each article on SysTeMD creates a flood of FUD, trolling and half disguised personal insults to the developers (or Developer I would say, if you see who I mean...).
That's pitiful (and don't get me started on the "insults" part, that's such a shame)
If you are really so angry about SysTemD just take your finger out of your a$$ and start DOING things with the people developing alternatives. Stop trolling. DO something.