Re: @AC 08.32 Listen
"Our normal petrol is much better than the US, they run (IIRC) 85RON, whereas we run 95RON (burns far more efficiently) - the US premium petrol is what we consider normal."
They don't use RON to determine the octane content over here, they use AKI (written on pumps as (R+M)/2 ) . The basic stuff (87 in most places, not 85 unless you are in high elevation places) is pretty much equivalent to European 92 RON. The US premium at 91 AKI is pretty much equivalent to European 95 RON.
Still and all, I (a Brit living in the US) laugh when they complain about how gas is costing too much (it's all Obama's fault apparently) here. It's cheaper than most places, so quit whining. Additionally, whilst it costs half as much, I use more than twice as much here as I did in the UK. Cars are horribly inefficient and distances are much further (I live on the West coast). There is no equivalent to parking in the town center and walking around all the shops, we have to drive to each one we need to visit.