They definitely don't make 'em like they used to
Old Alcatel phones were built like tanks. They may have been horrendously bad (The menu item labelled "Do you want to deactivate the alarm telephone off" is a good example), but you just couldn't kill them. I left mine in my pocket while out in a storm, getting absolutely soaked. I then went out into the sea to bring a boat in. The phone was soaked through. A high-pressure hose-out and hairdryer later, and it started ringing with a job offer. I took the job and the phone lasted me another three months until the battery conked out.
My Nokia 1100 that I replaced it with went through the washing machine once. It appeared dead, so I left it to gather dust and bought the 6630 that I'd been promising myself. On the off chance, I put the 6630's battery in the old phone, and lo and behold, IT WORKED!