In Training (Maybe)
I'm not studying for a Phd in CompSci. I am, however, studying a Foundation Degree in Computing and hoping to go onto a BSc (Hons) in Computing. So far I've got a harware and networking lecture, a software dev lecture, a HCI lecture, Learning in the Workplace and Work base learning and then _two_ (utterly soul destroyingly boring) Project Management lectures. The two project management lectures are consecutive lectures too.
I can see that I may well end up not using anything from HCI and LiW/WBL, even if Project Management does end up being useful, but I wouldn't mind doing these modules if the lecturers actually made the lectures more interesting.
Also, I'm probably one of four, maybe five, doing the course because it's actually something I'm interested in. Everyone else seems to be doing it because it's easy or there's potentially a lot of money in it. Suffice to say that school was only interested in getting me into sixth form to get A levels. (So much so they signed me up even though I was actually already at college)
As yet, I'd agree wholly with this article. (And I'm not a big fan of Java either)