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.. I guess most people had the good sense to give appropriate attention to cooking valentines dinner. It's already the 15th where I'm at so..
182 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Nov 2010
Awsome.. we are an ISP and we've offloaded all but a couple of servers to AWS (and some with Linode).. these providers are the next evolution in IT... I for one think its now a full fledged revolution as it upends the status quo. AWS allows me to save on electricity, real estate (from a 30sqm data center to a couple of racks), server purchases, manpower and bandwidth. Allowing me to focus on the software side of our business instead of having to think and spend for hardware and stuff.
been using Win8 eval version for a week now, I like the splash and the clean look which I understand is for tablets really. But what I'm missing is the 'Windows' (ie tiled look), so Win8 is basically a windowless Windows.. unless you fall back to the PC mode which for all practical purposes is Win7.
So Windows 8 is really Win 7 + the tablet interface (and as I understand crippled API to the chagrin of developers).
Obviously this, now-its-a-table-now-its-a-pc OS is targeted for its new tablet+keyboard devices. I see where they are coming from, I just think the strategy is wrong.. I think they should have focused on improving the 'windows' philosophy and interface which can work in both PC and tablet modes and which is lacking in tablets instead of a totally different interface for both.
.. still with AWS -- nothing compares really with the maturity of the offer and price so far -- but we dont have any illusions.. we've backed up all our critical files in another side of the planet. We'd still be down if the worse happened but at least we have another set of really remote backup. Google Compute will probably take another 2-3 years to be 'good enough' to be even considered.