Obvious troll is obvious.
69 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Oct 2010
Yeah cause it's not like it is on their website or anything, oh wait a minute yes it is.
Table 7 for number of water customers, table 3 for props connected to sewerage system, tables 10, 10a and 10b for meaningful stats relating to demand and deployable output, total storage volume is a meaningless metric.
It did say at the begining of the article you would have to look around to find them around the 100 quid mark and that it was the SRP that was quoted in the article. The Kyocera Mita FS-1320D, which I think was the most expensive at 232 quid, is showing up on a google shopping search at £107.40.
it was more a case of the unions sticking their oar in. Basically they thought if old shows were kept in perpituity then they would just repeat old shows instead of making new ones therefore not creating new jobs for actors. So as a result a bunch were destroyed. A bit silly really and it wasn't just doctor who it happened to either.
"Another differentiator is the fact that Windows Phone is actually quite good, although most punters don’t know it exists"
All the linux fanboys shoudl be running out to get one of these after they read this it's just like there favourite OS, quite good but no one uses it.
Some of the patents Google have been granted border on the rediculous.
This is the company that patented: "System and Method For Enticing Users To A Web Site."
Where by they patented changing your website logo. Face it all the companies be it Microsoft, Apple, Oracle or Google are just as bad as each other.
Yep the Nortel patents were just a big conspiracy to keep them away from google... except they were invited to join the consortium bidding. This email was released after the google rant.
Brad –
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you — I came down with a 24-hour bug on the way back from San Antonio. After talking with people here, it sounds as though for various reasons a joint bid wouldn’t be advisable for us on this one. But I appreciate your flagging it, and we’re open to discussing other similar opportunities in the future.
I hope the rest of your travels go well, and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
yeah I do and despite my username i'm not actually a ms shill. I don't really care about my phone platform but I got a new phone for the first time in about 5 years last month. I had expected to end up with an android phone but ended up getting an Omnia 7 as the screen is gorgeous, the OS looks a lot better in real life than it does on screen shots, and is quite a pleasant experience to use, Also the phone was cheap for what seems a decent spec.
Theres nothing ground breaking about wp7 but it is very usable and overall a good experience without having to pay the sort of money you do for an iphone or higher spec android phone. The UI also looks different to other phones out there and remains very usable which is nice.
It's also worth mentioning that Zune is great. Unlimited music downloads + 10 free mp3 downloads a month for £8.99 is a good deal in my book.
So ignore wp7 if you want to but all in all it's a perfectly good alternative to android and the iphone.
Oh so microsoft is suing other os's which refer to these rectangle things as windows then? No ?didn't think so. Despite trademarking the proper noun for it's OS MS have not made any effort to restrict the use of the phrase windows in computing as a common noun. Apple on the other hand want to trademark appstore as a proper noun and also curtail the use of appstore as a common noun.
"which might seem a bit cheeky from the holder of a trademark on the word Windows."
Oh please. If they had a trademark for Windows in the context of bits of colourless transparent glass commonly found in houses you might have a point but they don't they have a trademark for windows in the context of computer software. Similarly if Apple were applying for a trademark for AppStore in the context of Dogfood I doubt anyone would care but they aren't they are applying for it in the context of a store which sells apps.
I remember seeing these. They were very well done and there were instructions provided on how to create your own coupons. The person posting also gave helpful information like print of a bunch of them and give them away to other people in the supermarket or put them under wind screen wipers. so when you walk up to a checkout with the same coupon it doesn't seem so strange.
I was never convinced they would work for the high ticket price items such as xboxes but people replied saying they did. Then again it was 4chan so I didn't believe them either.
Well at least people won't need to use their heating in the winter if they have a P4 computer. Should also help the electricity vendors make a bit more cash with those beasts sucking up power.
Still maybe at some point the politicians will realised not everyone wants to be online. Even if you offer them free computers and internet some people will just not be interested.