Re: Google doesn't innovate?
"Chromecast is just an internet streamer over hdmi" Oh but it's not... the ones before used mirroring. Chromecast didn't enslave your device.
"Chromecast Audio - a copy of the Sonos system" Innovation can be cost focused as well as functionality.
"Android - a copy of ios created to break the apple walled garden." We're talking features now.
"Google photos - ok i havent used so i dont know what you find innovative, but there are dozens of photo apps out there. Does it really have features no other had before Google Photos came out?" Er... Yes! Machine Learning and AI for one. Auto-sorting auto arranging, auto-albums. Bear in mind it did this years ago whereas quite a few might have this now. Every other app has crappy search in comparison, requiring people to scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll...
"Goggle Assistant - hello Siri..." Yes and if you look at tons of independent reviews, Siri is shoite in comparison. Just doesn't have the knowledge or context-relevant prowess.
"Google Pixel 2 - improving the camera is not an innovation" - Oh but when Apple do it, that's ok is it? The Bokah effect you talk about, was it really the first? To achieve the same result with 1 camera when others require two? Yeah.
Tensor Flow - cant comment, dont know enough...
"Innovation is creating something new and ground breaking" I agree, (see example of machine learning combined with AI in Google Photos - no other photos apps were/are anywhere close). Innovation is also when the economics are very different e.g. Cost per KWh of electric batteries.
Based on that, what the most innovative product or service in the last 6 months then?