Re: Coffee --> Screen
It's easy to say in retrospect, but if you have hope that there are solutions, then you can do more in life. The trick is being careful. I won't use it now, but when I did use it it was a valuable resource. I gained from it, but took the precaution of making it completely separate to my normal profile to protect information. I also kept only to the Chrome plugin to benefit from the sandboxing and didn't touch the standalone executables.
Have sex people, just use protection. It's a metaphor.
If you get cynical about everything, you wouldn't do anything. You would be too cynical to fall in love, too cynical to believe in yourself.
It's about protecting yourself and being a bit daring in life sometimes that we get the most reward, so yes, I used Hola, no, I wouldn't now, no I don't regret it, I will keep believing that new things can have very positive impacts on how things can be for humanity.
If you truly don't believe in any security or capability of anything positive, then expressing yourself on the Internet is a bad idea. I tend to refrain from that, but I want to see what can be possible. I love my TED talks. Am I making sense?