Re: Okay, and now from someone who knows…
Okay. Now we're seriously off topic. In my experience, only SQL Server is faster on Windows than it is on Linux - and that's only because SQL Server doesn't run on Linux. If you've managed different, then that's great - I tip my hat to you.
Taking specific examples - which I admit are very esoteric, and of interest only to very few people, Windows time accuracy isn't worthy of the name. It's out by several orders of magnitude for what I require. Network performance is horrible. If I want to capture at 10Gbps line rate, without loss, on Windows then I can whistle. On Linux, it's eminently feasible. In fact, I can do 20Gbps (two 10Gbps networks), writing to RAID. Scheduler latency is ridiculous. Schedule and wait for a bloody long time (in CPU terms).
Add to all this the fact that the more clients I have the more I have to pay, and yes. I stand by my argument.
Yes, Microsoft has its own protocols. That's the problem. They're its own protocols. They aren't open. Batch file language is woeful and, whilst Powershell scripting is a huge improvement, it still isn't great. And again I say, it's Windows only. Microsoft has locked you in to its system. So we'll take Mac OS X as an example (because Apple is every Windows fanboy's poster child for the ultimate lock in system): If I use OS X to write a script (bash, perl, whatever) then guess what? Not only does it work perfectly on the Mac, it'll also likely work perfectly on every other damn system except Windows - and if changes are needed, they'll be minor in nature. So I can take my code and run on Haiku, Linux, Solaris etc etc. The same is true of compiled languages - provided that I steer clear of the GUI or restrict myself to X11.
Here's the thing. I value difference. I really like what Canonical is doing with Unity. I like the !Metro UI (on Windows phone, at least). OS X is a joy to use. It's all great. But, much as I value difference, I love compatibility. I love being able to take the only things that have real value on my computer (the code that I write) and put them on any other OS with only minimal effort. Windows tries to lock me in. It uses its own standards, not open standards, and I do not appreciate that at all.