Re: Lies, lies, lies.........
‘over the years’? Dude, you sound like you’re seventeen years old, and picking your zits in a PC World call centre. What do you know about ‘over the years’ in IT? Get some experience, and then make the jokes*
The sad truth is that software updates sometimes go wrong - even updates from Microsoft. Linux isn’t perfect either, and Android has its fair share of bugs. And damn, if all software companies (like every other type of company) don’t claim to have invented everything from the wheel onward. It’s called marketing - you don’t have to believe it.
The thing is though that Apple does have a certain amount of right to make claims of innovation in the field of personal computing. I do remember the PET, TRaSh 80 and the Apple II, and believe me - the Apple II is the only one really recognisable as a personal computer today. I remember the Lisa - and whatever the Xerox boys say, the Lisa was the first GUI which worked in the modern way you’d recognise now. Newton was innovative (if massively flawed), and you couldn’t buy a candy coloured device for love nor money before iMac - and then they were everywhere. Come to that, USB was scarce before iMac and then common as muck afterward. You might not like Apple, or want one (and you’d be a bit of dipstick to buy any device without considering whether its right for you), but you’re a colossal fucktard if you dismiss Apple completely out of hand. Where Apple goes, others tend to follow.
*for bonus points, see if you can make them funny too.