Where to begin unpicking this? Perhaps I'll start by saying that just because Donald Trump, the Whitehouse Press Office and Alex Jones, Info Wars, Fox News or Sinclair Broadcast Group say that it's fact doesn't actually make it fact. Quite the opposite in fact.
Unemployment Rates: They were as low during the Clinton presidency, and rose during the W presidency. In the second term of the W presidency they were falling again, but they never reached Clinton lows. Unemployment rose steeply at the beginning of the Obama presidency, but started the fall that takes us to today in his second year - so it could be argued that the fall Donald boasts of was largely engineered during the Obama presidency. Looking further abroad, the spike in unemployment during 2009 appears to be global and more down to the global downturn than the actions of a single president or political party. Sources: Wolfram Alpha.
Minority Employment: This is a difficult one - typically, minority groups have very poor quality jobs - part time and zero hours contracts, they live hand to mouth and, whilst the figures make unemployment look lower than it actually is, they should properly be considered amongst the ranks of the unemployed.
Stock Market growth: Yes, it continued to rise - but have you noticed? It's faltering now, and a crash seems likely. It could be argued that the Obama booster is running out now - and the true effects of Trumpism are about to be felt. Duck and cover. Source: Personal opinion.
Wage growth is a weaselly issue. Certainly, for the highest earners, it has soared. Unfortunately, the disparity between rich and poor in the US is so great that it masks the real-terms fall in earnings for those in full-time employment in the middle and lower income bracket. And, let's face it, this is where it really counts - the rich have more than enough money to care for themselves and their families, so an increase here is irrelevant. It's whether income has increased for the very poorest that matters (and it hasn't) Sources: Wolfram Alpha, Business Insider.
GDP. Yes, it's still going up (although whether that is, in itself, healthy is another matter). In fact it isn't going up any faster than it has at any time in the past 10 years. Barring a slight hiccough during the global downturn, the rate of growth over the last 20 years has been broadly static. Source: Wolfram Alpha.
Crime: Oh please. Trump isn't claiming the credit for this is he? Crime has been falling steadily since about 1990. This has nothing to do with the current administration. Source: Wolfram Alpha.
As for global threats and the environment, any claim that the situation here is stable or even improving is fatuous in the extreme. Trump is tearing up environmental regulation, protections against global warming (even as weak as they were) and scrapping arms treaties. You'd have to be walking around with your eyes shut and your ears covered to think that the situation is healthy.
As for the claim that claim that immigration has toppled governments… where? I mean, recently. I'm not talking about European immigration toppling the status quo of the indigenous people of north and south America, or of Africa or Australia. I mean, recent examples? It hasn't happened, except in one of Steve Bannon's or Nigel Farage's fever dreams (both from immigrant families themselves, you'll notice).
I'm astonished - genuinely - that you claim Bush the Younger was moral. This was the chap who took America into war on false pretences, remember. Moral compared with Trump, perhaps. But nothing more than that. You provide no evidence that Clinton was more corrupt than any other president - I suspect that he probably wasn't. He certainly found it difficult to keep his fly zipped up but, frankly, that's none of your business provided that his business was consensual. Your historic facts are hogwash.