Why not land the booster on it's side. The classic science fiction touch down is proving hard if not impossible to do
Posts by solaries
56 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2010
KABOOM! Billionaire fingers dud valve in ROCKET WIBBLE PRANG BLAST
Professor's BEAGLE lost for 10 years FOUND ON MARS
NASA tests crazytech flying saucer thruster, could reach Mars in days
World's OLDEST human DNA found in leg bone – but that's not the only boning going on...
E-reader barons file FCC plea to opt out of disabled-friendly regs
Super-SVELTE BLUSH-PINK planet goes too far with star
So long, Hotmail: Remaining users migrated to Outlook.com
Ten ancestors of the netbook
CURSE you, EINSTEIN! Humanity still chained in relativistic PRISON
Microsoft to pump cash into Dell buyout deal?
First rigid airship since the Hindenburg enters trials
Ancient Mars: Covered with life, oceans, clouds, and imagination
Top-secret US spaceplane sets off on another classified mission
Billions of potentially populated planets in the galaxy
Elon Musk's private Dragon ship to dock with ISS in Feb
Bill Gates discusses nuclear development deal with China
Bill Gates Nuclear Power deal with China
I hope this reactor design helps with our nuclear waste problems and it is safer than the ones we now have. If so it will kill two birds with one stone and make nuclear power safe to use and turns nuclear waste into something usefull and solve the problem of what to do with it.
Seven lessons from the HP Touchpad fire sale
To Tablet or not to Tablet
I have a Dell Studio 1735 laptop if and when I have to replace it I get a desktop I will only get a tablet for outside the house use art sketch pad and e-reader movies,television I can connect a desktop to my television to watch Hulu the tablet I can use to surf the web and e-mail as for magazine,books and comic books I am old fashion I like hard copy and I have had a electronic calculator fall in the toilet end of calculator had to replace if a book or magazine get wet if a attend to them immediately i can still read them before I have to throw them away there are times old is still good as for a sketch pad it also got wet I let dry out and I still sketching on it.
It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers
Google Chrome User
I use Google Chrome on my home page I have CNN,BBC,Wikipedia,Dictionary,New.Scientist,Discovery News,SciFy,Democracy now,Weather Channel,New York Times,Phantoms&Monsters,Ebay,Anime News Network,NPR,Unexplained Mysteries among others things I don't find on Bing. that why I use it
Can Big Blue survive another century?
IBM Blue
Unfortunately for IBM technology that was used in the 1890 census to count your population in a updated version could be used to kill those the leaders think don't have a right to exist as to IBM treatment of it's workers that a sad story of many other business behavior and their contempt for their workers and Germany is not the only country who have people they would like to get rid of and will use want ever is available to carry out this deed.
Creationists are infiltrating US geology circles
Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade
The Day After Tomorrow Anyone
Even Al Gore mention this in his documentary A Inconvenient Truth and Art Bell and Whitney Streibler in their book whose title I have forgotten mention this possibility towards the end of the last ice age there came a return of severe weather called the Younger Drayas so a increase in carbon dioxide may bring on a new ice age isn't something to laugh at the movie The Day After Tomorrow might be closer to the truth than the movie maker thought so only the future will tell which story is true.
Apple bars WinXP users from iCloud
Space shuttle Endeavour: 'An incredible ship'
The White Elephant is Dead
Good riddance to that over price piece of junk it was suppose to bring down the cost of spaceflight instead it made it more costly and dangerous instead of making one for itself and one for the military NASA combined both then the military op did out and left NASA with this white elephant mean while made it own which is now testing and left NASA with the space shuttle on it's hands and about ruin NASA then the congress axed the X-38 it's possible replacement now their stuck with Apollo on steroids instead thanks to congress we are left with nothing except for their winning about having no man space transport if they hadn't nickel and dime NASA to death from the beginning they wouldn't be in this mess and with a reliable and safe surface to orbit spacecraft and we wouldn't have wasted the last forty years going nowhere.
Think PCs will drop in price? Think again, warns Intel
Intel in Dreamland
I always wait until the price drop before I buy anything and if Itel thinks I will shell out almost a thousand US dollars for a thin netbook they are living in dreamland I found out about this on Attack of the Show this Tuesday so Itel better keep it prices reasonable if they what me as a customer anyway if my old stuff still works why buy something new.
Bin Laden's porn stash: Too good to be true?
Bin Laden smeer
This Bin Laden pron story is just plain dumb the report makes him more human thou pron would have made perfect sense as a way of cover for sending messages to AQ followers there would be no idea to hes pursuers he was keeping in touch with his followers as the idea he was taken alive saying he killed would be perfect cover or killing him to keep his mouth shut there a old saying the dead tell no tales as to were they found also makes sense it would be the last place they would be looking for him.
Planet with British weather found 20 light years away
Is there life in the Gliese581 system
I am fingers cross hoping this story is true there have been hopes raised of a habitable planet found in that exo-solar system. If it true it will join the finding of exoplanets since 1995 the planet is like the planet in the science fiction novel Anarchos I read years ago as usual science fiction authors have been there first again.
MIRACULOUS new AIRSHIP set to fly by 2013
Airship 2013
I remember about thirty years listening to man say that hydrogen was safer than ordinary airplane fuel and he would stake his life on it. So lets stick to hydrogen please and the menace to the Hindenburg was the gasoline that ran the engines and the waterproof coating on outside hydrogen bag as for the Macon there was a program that told what cause that disaster was poor maintenance and running the airship without proper repairs. I hope to see the day when airships again fly in the air they would be a wonderful sight to behold again.
Sony says data for 25 million more customers stolen
Pakistani IT admin leaks bin Laden raid on Twitter
Via Zapatta
My worst fear that dumping Bin Laden's body in the sea won't help even without his body as in the movie Via Zapatta he may be more dangerous dead than alive and I hate to bring this up Christianity rest on the empty tomb. The compound were was killed will have to be destroyed like the Fuhrer bunker was after the defeat of Germany in WW2 to prevent that place becoming a place of pilgrimage for Islamic terrorist.
Did PlayStation Network hackers plan supercomputer botnet?
Sony has been Ultraed
Sony like the Germany thought during WW2 their Ultra could not be broken unfortunately this proven to be a false idea time and again all they did prepare the way for their fall by daring hackers to break into their Playstation network and we have at lest 77 million members who's accounts have been compromise god knows what the hackers are doing with that information. Sony better get it's act together fast if it hopes to the confidence of it's customers.
Five amazing computers for under £100
Multimillionaire's private space ship 'can land on Mars'
Meet Dell, your internet service provider
US Navy laser cannon used to set boat aflame
Energy crisis over - for 250 years?
Richard Branson to prowl oceans' hadal depths in flying sub
SpaceX unveils new Falcon Heavy rocket - WORLD'S BIGGEST
Go SpaceX
It looks like it's up to Musk and Space X to revive our move into space the US government has sat on it's butt for over forty years after Apollo nickel and dime NASA to death. Go Musk may your heavy lifter succeed and breath new life into the space program it's needed and back to the Moon ,Mars and beyond into the rest of the solar system and lets rock and roll.
Airship 'Sky Tugs' ordered from Lockheed for Canadian oilfields
Return of the Dirigible
I for one would like these airship return to our skies what a way to tour the world all they need is more powerful engines to over come the heavy winds how about mooring them in city centers and easing the pressure of airports. It would be great for a leisurely tour of the world what a relaxing journey through the skies.
Fukushima on Thursday: Prospects starting to look good
Nuclear Safety in Japan
I just finish reading about Japan nuclear safety record in New Scientist and one word it stinks in the article it stated that between 1995 and 2007 about seven nuclear accidents at lest one as bad as Chernobyl. What the government and the companies record was a disgrace down playing the hazards and out right lying about the problems and death of several workers at the plants where they worked. Anybody who listen to these people and know about the accidents must saying gallows humor jokes among themselves and fellow citizens. Nuclear power is a menace to safety in Japan.
Fukushima situation as of Wednesday
terrorist nuclear reactors
From what I watching the situation in Japan it looks worst than Chernobyl with several reactors venting hydrogen gas exploding blowing off the roofs of several reactors and containment pools in trouble the government and nuclear industry seem to be running around with bags over their heads denying whats happening this nuclear crisis I hope this puts the last nail in the nuclear industry. I hope this makes Japan rethink their energy production options and consider safety a top priority.
terrorist submarines
The problem is that terrorist are using the drug trade to finance their operations all they have to do is find some poor inventor and secretly finance them or dust the propulsion system of the U21 and they may have a multi-purpose vehicle to use for all kind of uses. And with advancing technology who knows want they would be capable of so don't write them of yet.
Russia has 'secret space warplane' to match US X-37B
NASA hails 'amazing' exoplanetary system
NASA exoplanets
Wow 54 possible habitable worlds lets see how many are really habitable worlds can there be yet to be found. May this continuing finds inspire NASA to find new propulsion systems so we can send man explorations throwout the galaxy ala Star Trek or Star Wars. Let the adventure begin.
Massive US rocket sends top-secret cargo into space
Website with 10 million users warns of password theft
Raygun dreadnought project reports 'remarkable breakthrough'
death dreams
The problem is these weapons will have to be made smaller to be useful and wend that happens air craft will again be a threat to surface ships and as others have pointed out there is the good old submarine torpedoes can do the job on a surface ships thou who knows what the future holds
US air force has new scramjet hypersonic plane plans
Space Plane
Nick Pope in his docuementey Alien History of Planet Earth towards the end the show mention a aircraft doing mach 6 might be Auroa and that was in 2005 when it came out and then there was T.T.Brown in the USA and Vicktor Schauberger and others in Germany in the 1920s perfected in the 60s in the USA and is now in the hands of the military.
'Porn lock' heralds death of WikiLeaks, internet, democracy, universe
Pron lock hearalds death of WikiLeaks ,internet
This seems to be part of a worldwide tren with the USA right wingers calling for Assange head and I got off a Anime News Network forum about Tokyo bill 156 to censor anime for youths freedom of expressionis under attack everwhere in atempt to control information and entretainment and keep the public ignorant. As for protecting childrin that a sick joke Megan Smith was worth to state of Forida dead than alive Iheard the day she was kidnapped there was a bank robbery quest how long it toke to solve the bank hold up a matter of hours were as with the girl days or weeks that shows societies prioritetys.
SpaceX's Dragon poised to go orbital
commercial space launcher
I hope the best for Spacex Dragon launcher it's about time that the space program got a kick in pants. It been 40 years and man space has been morbit all this time but I wish they would find and use a better propulsion system than rockets which barely work and are tempermental but if this will break NASA strangle hold I am all for it.