* Posts by ipanel

6 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2010

Hardbitten NYC cops: Sir, I'm gonna need you to, er, upgrade to iOS 7


scam / no spell checker

So normally I'd cry "scam" on account of the 419-style spelling and grammar mistakes. Whoever put the flyer together is computer and/or English illiterate. More than enough to raise my distrust (I guess they spelt nypd okay...)

Redmond slips out temporary emergency fix for IE 0-day


Re: But why?

TLS1.2 support for a start...

Osama Bin Pwned: Al Qaeda mocked in Twitter counter-jihad


Re: @Richard Jones 1 (was: Whatever. Show me the fucking "terrorists" already.)

I kind of see both sides to this, I believe people should be educated, including in the finality of killing. But I think the point is that pulling a trigger is a completely final act, with regret counting for nothing. We can't all be trained professionals (?!) in this. There are few genuinely appropriate analogies, certainly not an athlete (whose only regret is not having tried harder - I'm an "athlete"). I hate the idea of young, even trained, squaddies carrying guns in public, where some testosterone or unbalanced emotion could lead to inappropriate death. I'm actually posting from the states, and think the right to bear arms is past its sell by date. So who should have the right to carry an easy killing device? I guess every driver <sigh>, which is (horrifically) probably a better analogy. I have no answer. People live, people die, very often for economically justifiable reasons. "Democracy's bad, but there's nothing better".

PCTV NanoStick T2 USB TV tuner


HD Recording?

Can you record HD-TV with the Revo and one of these then? All stand-alone HD PVR's on the market encrypt the HD recordings, or block you from exporting them off the PVR.


HD recording?

Okay, so it's perhaps not as user-friendly as a dedicated HD freeview PVR, but does this allow you to record HD, unencrypted, so you can back it up onto anther device and play it there (thinking NAS storage)? The lack of this in any other pvr that know of is what's been stoopping me getting a freeview hd pvr soo far. I have a revo sitting ready for this, using xbmc on win7 normally.

TVonics DTR-HD500 Freeview HD DVR


What about archive/export?

Any chance you could state when DVR's being tested allow you to archive old recordings off the DVR onto network/usb/whatever? I have a Humax PVR9300, and even taking the drive out, I cannot mount it as any kind of recognised file system elsewhere, and the USB port was never enabled. I won't buy another DVR until I know I can backup my recordings, so it would be a useful noted capability on tested devices, for me at least.
