Re: @Richard Jones 1 (was: Whatever. Show me the fucking "terrorists" already.)
I kind of see both sides to this, I believe people should be educated, including in the finality of killing. But I think the point is that pulling a trigger is a completely final act, with regret counting for nothing. We can't all be trained professionals (?!) in this. There are few genuinely appropriate analogies, certainly not an athlete (whose only regret is not having tried harder - I'm an "athlete"). I hate the idea of young, even trained, squaddies carrying guns in public, where some testosterone or unbalanced emotion could lead to inappropriate death. I'm actually posting from the states, and think the right to bear arms is past its sell by date. So who should have the right to carry an easy killing device? I guess every driver <sigh>, which is (horrifically) probably a better analogy. I have no answer. People live, people die, very often for economically justifiable reasons. "Democracy's bad, but there's nothing better".