Knocking On Wrong Door
They would be better off sending money to Putin.
Our current administration resides in Kremlin.
19 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Oct 2010
I know it's scary feeling that your osx hackintosh box can die any day, and realizing the pc era is fading like Commodore. If you guys take a shower once a week, and clean up your room I am sure ur mommy would give u enough money to buy an iPad, and a brand new toy that any unemployed 30 year old fanboi, living in momma’s basement with no woman, no savings, and no friends need.
I bought a laptop in 2008 - dual core, with 2gig of ram, and last year I installed additional 2 gig of rams, and recently I got a free terrabyte of a hard-drive. All in all I really don't need a bigger computer. It's still running Windows XP (downgrade from Vista)/dual booting with ubuntu. I still have my old P4 desktop. I Recently I bought an iPad (3rd gen), mostly for games, and outdoor usage.
I dunno about most ppl, but I really don't see the need to upgrade computer every year or even every three year. Hardware is not that advance enough, nor I find software all the appealing.
China has come a long way, and therefore deserve some respect for what they have accomplish.
American stole German technology after WW2, and brought the rocket scientist to state to built a space program. Even with the backing of western allies they were still far behind Soviet Union.
Also China is catching up to west in its own way. It is already a second largest economy. In fact it is buying up American bonds and debt to keep the world economy floating.
Not bed for a nation that was only selling rice, making money through tourist.
Biggest problem with Microsoft -- as well as with other smartphone -- is that it doesn't have nice clean and easy sync apps. We need something simple, and easy like iTune.
Fancy phone is no longer enough, it's how it communicates with computer that what we really need to know.
I am a Linux user, I am not likely to buy this since Microsoft have insulted my community.
I would love to buy a mac book. My biggest issue with mac-books are that they have very limited option -- specially smaller notebook.
13inch notebook don't come with matte option, and of course Mac-Air doesn't let you upgrade. Also, every 3 years or so I upgrade hard-drive, and with Macbook Air it's not that easy, instead of a standard PATA connector Apple uses a 40-pin ZIF (Zero Insertion Force). Standard Stata would've been betters..
I would wait a year or so for apple to offer matte option in 13inch lappy, otherwise I would probably buy 15inch Macbook in near future.
Seriously, this guy needs some serious help. First he started fight with countries (India, Middle-East, and even European). Defending security BS under the notion of democracy, and other Orwellian labels. Of course it was RIM arrogant which forced many European governmentto switch to iPhone, and Android.
As an iPhone user I can tell you why I would not use BB. It's very hard to sync with computer -- specially when you compare with iTune. Software is very bloated, and not very intuitive. Also lets not forget the games, audio books, and of course music!
Mind you I am a Linux user -- one of those who compile their own kernel -- so I can tell you BB has long way to go assuming it doesn't end up like Palm. Palm was a powerful company but their arrogant forced users to switch, sell dried up and HP bought them.
I am not a big fan of apple, however, I do prefer comfort.
With android you have find an "itune equivalent app" to sync your multimedia content. Also games, apps, and other stuff is some what imporant to most of us -- time it takes to sync with itune is almost nothing compare to Blackberry, and other smart phone apps.
As for over price. Let's say you bought a PC notebook -- a good notebook would be around $750 (with matte screen). You have to spend another $100 - $150 ( a year) to keep your computer clean from viruses, malware, spyware, and other upcoming threats (not counting waste of time. OSX is based on UNIX therefore way better for the masses. Let's say you decided to keep you laptop for 3 years, the money you'd spend on keeping it clean would be almost equivalent to Mac -- not to mention the frustration.
When I was a student I couldn't buy Apple laptop so I learn to use Linux. I don't regret that for a minute. However, most of the people don't want to invest lot of time in computer, and that is why mac sales are going up -- it's already #3 in US.
How would you monitor someone having a virus? I use linux, which makes is somewhat harder to monitor. The only way to do it is by intercepting where I am surfing.
Personally, I would enjoying seeing government wasting tax payer money on me.
Note to Big Brother's PC: My children normally watch pokemon, and other animation on the net,.