What do the consumers say about Windows Phone 7?
It’s interesting to hear what an average consumer may think, or at least what their perception is as influenced by Micosoft’s marketing campaign. I used Toluna QuickSurveys to run a quick survey targeting 1000 respondents living in the US, here’s quick analysis of the result:
Things seem quite rosy for Microsoft this time, about 27% of the people heard about Windows Phone 7 and among them 27% has expressed their intention to buy one. Regarding the brand of choice, around 30% don’t care and for the rest, LG and Samsung are more popular choices than HTC and Dell, probably due to HTC’s strong positioning with Android and Dell’s relatively new entry into the market.
For what people may like about Windows Phone 7, lots of people seem to be swayed by the marketing campaign as 19% prefer its new functions and interface and close to 25% mentioned its positive review. An interesting point here, around 17% like it simply because it’s Microsoft. Finally, consumers seem quite optimistic about the launch with 49% believing it may help Microsoft regain some ground lost to its competitors.
See the full result at: