* Posts by Scotty 3

5 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Oct 2010

Linus Torvalds banishes masters, slaves and blacklists from the Linux kernel, starting now

Scotty 3

Re: Wishy washy

Sorry- that is what I was trying to represent. Many of these people were not even allowed to vote when they became of voting age. I can't know the age of their grandparents but they like knew someone who was a slave.

'Shadow' directory or database seems clear enough.

Scotty 3

Re: Wishy washy

Is suppose. I can remember when I started using 'shadow' instead of slave. I was teaching an internal session in the States for the Bank *something SSL I think* and as it turns out those chosen were all older black women some very close to retirement.

This was almost 20 yeas ago, so quick math said that a good half of my class had been denied the right to vote based on their colour. Born in the 1940s that meant their grandparents likely were not slaves, but their great grandparents...? No one asked not to use the word, I just couldn't say it in front of them.

Mafia hit suspect cuffed after BlackBerry chatter intercept

Scotty 3

In Canada its less clear. Evidence obtained against Charter rights is allowed unless "admission of that evidence would bring the administration of justice into disrepute"

US judge: Warrant required to access mobile location data

Scotty 3

The Constitution

Unfortunately I believe the ruling would apply to the government only. The Constitution is to protect the People from their government.

Basic security housekeeping vital, says GCHQ boss

Scotty 3

To be fair

Not sure that's fair. As usual for these things, there might be well meaning individuals and systematic failures. From what I have seen of governments, the typical one is that 'do nothing/make no decision' is not regarded properly as a risk, making a decision is.