I like jquery alot
But that's not really ajax I guess, although it is a library. Adobe Spry is pretty natty. It has very good documentation which is the hardest thing to come by for an AJAX framework.
286 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jun 2007
post apocalypse 'Pigeon Street', perhaps the pigeons could be sentient, and have robotic pigeon minions to carry out their will, a bit like battle star galactica, but with pigeons, you know?
Perhaps they could use 'Bertha' as their kind of like robot minion pigeon production unit or something.
and I'm kinda late to the party obviously, but what is the gripe with fixed width layouts? Is scrolling really such a chore?
I'm viewing this on a 1680 x 1050 monitor, so if you have a site which is 100% width, I find it impossible to read if I set the browser window to full screen. In fact I'd resize the window to approximately A4 paper style aspect to read it.
I think the new layout looks nice, and you included a reg tombstone icon for the comments for all the people who are unimpressed to use.
This new icon because I think it looks happy.
Like the ones you see in war films that they used to float up so that aeroplanes would catch on them?
This has to be the most outside the box DARPA concept ever - "I know. Lets try and catch submarines, by floating big balloons up in the air. Balloons tethered by cables so that if the submarine catches on the cable, it'll cause it to crash and burn. Its the one place that the submarines will never expect us to try to catch them: UP IN THE FRIKKIN SKY!"
Or maybe I missed the point of this somehow...
They should remake this, only with Keith Chegwin instead. The bit where he goes inside his own head would be priceless:
'Chegwin Chegwin Chegwin'
'Chegwin Chegwin'
Mines the original 'Cheggers Plays Pops' cagoul.
I think that removing this word, or indeed any word from this 'song' is an admirable beginning. We need now to gather speed and remove all the other words, the melody and all existing copies of this 'song' stored on or in any media or format, then that guy with the bad teeth who sings in said 'song', and for good measure 'The Boogaloo' pub in Highgate where I think he hangs out sometimes.
Thumbs up on a job well started there Aunty Beeb, lets see if we can finish it off.
As in like 'run something good on top of Mac OS'.
But wasn't the point made the other day by someone, that if you run a virtualised known good/uninfected copy of an OS (say XP using Parallels or something), you can lose all the malware once you close the virtual app thingy.
So, you virtualise your servers onto less hardware boxes, hasn't this just changed the ratio of 'hardware boxes performing server functions' to 'hardware boxes performing storage functions'. Do the storage boxes use significantly more power than they did before we all virualised our servers?
I'm not sure what my point is.
I like this, no more adverts - woo!
A newer tactic I have noticed is the usage of reverb, which is then also compressed, sitting behind the vocal track, it really increases the perceived loudness.
Asides from which, every advert on TV seems to be for shampoo aimed at people who dye their hair (which I do not) or for some kind of new advancement in baby dung-hamper technology facilitating far improved sleep or movement for the ghastly little noise engines.