Hey, hey, 16k!
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286 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jun 2007
I reckon, you make the satelite circular, and paint the bottom to look like the moon, then make it orbit the earth just below the moon, but close enough to earth that it just obscures the moon. People will just think they are looking at the moon and not worry about it.
I'll leave teh exact details up to NASA or whoever wants to implement it.
because, you know, like the dance. Plus it'd be more fun for the front car to swerve about and make it like a party on the motorway.
Or you could call it "SNAKE" and make it like Snake on the old Nokias, where you get more points and go faster and faster the more cars you collect. And you have no brakes.
"I'tll be around three hours of CGI, pretty much all of it black, over 30,000 levels of black, with very little in the way of plot or acting. But you will be able to see lots of CGI cars flying about in the background"
They should use all the rendering time to do DR and Quinch in 3D.
Episodes 2 & 3 (and probably 1 as well) are pretty much all cgi, I'd guess that they could take the modelled things and backgrounds and just render them into 3d.
Sure the people would remain 2 dimensional, but that's at least +1 dimension in terms of their portrayals of the various characters in the films.