* Posts by Paul

3 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jun 2007

Interflora sues M&S over Google keywords


A quick search in Google for "Hoover" ...

... gives a sponsored link to MorphyRichards.co.uk.

Cambs cops podcast 999 timewasters


Free advertising via 999

So 118118 are the only people who will be able to help with a phone number (last clip). Not only is a public service advertising, but it is false advertising.

Book publisher steals Google laptops


It's a failure of communication

Here we have two sides both in the business of communication, and all this seems to be caused by their failure to communicate. Google is not making books available free on the Internet (and would you read them online if they did?). They are showing extracts. This should be good for the authors / publishers as it is free exposure and makes people more likely to buy the books.

So we have publishers protecting copyrights when this is against the best interests of themselves and their authors. Is this them being stupid, or Google wading in without proper consultation? Either way, we seem to be heading for the classic "everyone loses except the lawyers" scenario.