Re: never use a debit card for credit ?
"I can't understand why anyone who has a credit card would choose to use a debit card. In what way is using a debit card ever better?"
When there's a fee for using a credit card.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2010
> The U.S. has between 15 and 40 million people here illegally. We have no idea who their allegiance is to. Currently we have thousands coming across the border every week. Same story. Some are known gang members. A lot have diseases we haven't seen in this county in decades are coming in with the latest wave.
> Does Snowden truly believe that sifting through my personal data is going to help make this country safe?
The quote is out of context. If you watch the interview, he goes on to say "...but is that the kind of society we want to live in?"