* Posts by StanBumps

10 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2010

Thanks a lot, Facebook: Microsoft turns Office 365 into social network



People can just create a fake social media account to appease their workplace policy. It seems obvious, but surprising how many people don't know this!

Tintri unveils VM-aware mutant hybrids and all-in-one array joystick


Heard about these guys from a buddy that specialises in VM solutions. Tintrí (which translates to "lightning") sound like the second coming for VM shops! Be very interested to see it in action.

Asus NV550JV 15.6in full HD notebook - the one we didn't have to send back


Good write up. Seems like a mixed bag. Nice resolution, design, optical drive and expansion would be pluses but the subwoofer and the presence of Windows 8 instead of 7 are offputting for my personal taste.

Was interested to see you gave it a shot on Linux. I know there are a bazzillion flavours to try, but give Sabayon a try sometime if not having success with Ubuntu / Mint.

Make or break: Microsoft sets date for CRUCIAL Win 8.1 launch


Re: gooooooooooooood

Is metro actually gone though? I thought MS were trying a sleazy cop out with this by literally adding a Start button back but when clicked it would show that God-awful metro tile screen instead of the Start menu? As someone that's used it on a tablet and a desktop seperately, it's a beautiful tablet OS but utterly horrific desktop OS UI.

Windows 8 apps pass 100K, Windows 8 passes Vista

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Re: Do we really want people who make sites like these...

@RISC OS - thanks for that. The 'lings cars' website has made my day. Great chuckle.

Ye Bug List

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Re: No way to create a new thread?!

Ah, I see, my apologies.

Thanks Drewc for your response.

Black Helicopters

No way to create a new thread?!

I can find no button or link when signed in to create a new forum thread. This might be something on my side as I see others creating threads, but I've tried across IE 10, Firefox 19 and Opera 12 all to no avail.

Naked intruder cracks one off in Florida rampage drama

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This is funniest thing I've read in... months! Thanks El Reg!

Microsoft opens Office 365 beta floodgates to the world

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Dear oh dear

It's as astonishing as it is equally amusing that companies such as Microsoft believe people want to use Cloud based "services" such as this in any sort of meaningful volumes. Medium to large businesses certainly wouldn't trust or rely on such a service and expecting home users to buy into some monthly fee sham is OTT even for them.

Looks like it's going to take a series of costly failures for them to accept people aren't stupid enough to buy into this cloud based services scam!

Ballmer goes to LSE as internal doc calls for radical overhaul of MS

Gates Halo


They could start by getting rid of that utter loon Balmer if they are serious about addressing their current image/perception problems.