Thanks guys ...
.. I'm off tomorrow, so it really is Friday for me.
OK, I'll get my coat!
5 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2010
All we need is for Google to release the patch/update now, and for a group of users to then fall prey to this flaw because their mobile service providers had not provided the update. Would the users not then have a case to pursue some sort of claim against the service provider?
Of course, the service providers are themselves subject to delays because of the handset manufacturers, so wouldn't they also have a case to effectively 'pass on' the claims to the manufacturers?
End game: we get a straigter path from OS Developer to Handset User, and everyone sleeps more easily.
So, an MP wants to outlaw *equipment* that would help a terrorist observe and identify a potential target?
On the basis that Plane Finder allows me to identify what aircraft I am looking at merely by looking in it's general direction, surely he will also want to outlaw the bio-app combination Eyes 1.0 / Brains 0.1 (the MP Edition)? Put the two together, and it is just possible that even the dimmest terrorist (yes, even the Underpants Bomber) could put one and one together!
Or maybe it will just be sufficient for the government to have a back door into everything we see to make sure that we don't see anything that might lead to sudden and surprising revelations ...