It used to be a good retailer, tried it for the first time again in 5 years and they screwed a simple order up.
Avoiding in future 100%
30 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2010
Aylesbury Bucks,
BT tell me we already have fibre-optic capacity - the average broadband speed is currently 2mb, often less on the south and eastern side of town.
Of course everyone is on Virgin cable DSL at 10mb basic instead.
BT offered me a sample cost - roughly twice the monthly price - installation is extra and the supplied bandwidth still does not match Virgin.
The thing is - there has been no local work on fibre installation - it has been seen to be installed on the high street (at night) but not to any residential area; so the theory that I could have it installed is about 1 mile short of geographical reality.
Locals who are still on dial-up - 33k
No bull !
This is the Home counties, County town of Buckinghamshire, a very middle class area, with thousands of commuters and 42 miles from London with direct train and road access (paying customers); but an extremely poor local loop network.
You'd have thought it an ideal location.
Mr Jobsworth of Gatwick who is so anal he can't see the difference between a plastic toy and a real gun.
Fools and Charlatans
This year I'll pack my Airfix pack of 150 8th infantry plastic soldiers (1.2" high)
and see if I get arrested for bringing in an invasion army.
Remember them?
Rokkie's will say no - it wasn't on Playstation.
Why the feck not?
Energy is energy and wasted energy is a sin against Gaia etc.
No seriously, I'd like my gas fuelled pyre to do something useful, our local unit is not far from Chequers, maybe it could be used to incinerate useless political figures, a bit a James Bond movie like - no need to expenses scandal, Chris is burning tonight - Whoosh, useless Chancellor gone - who's next for doing a better job?
That would make me feel a whole let better.
Ye Gods - why did no-one tell me?
Now I might actually have to use that backup software I've been backing up for the past 10 years,
mind you - the only time I needed it - Acronis informed me it simply could not perform the backup as the indexes were incorrect - so bloody useless software.
I saw the broadcast,
looked at the BBc on-line by mistake - no mentio of it, did a googly search.
McAfee Labs rate it at low /low as a threat and it was blocked by the A.V programs as early as July,
BUT it infiltrated an Iranian nuclear reactor - so we better invade the country just to be sure.
I have worked with these male types - no really I have and after many years of painful work and considered reflection the only real cure is to cut their goolies off.
No testosterone, no problem.
Then the offender will develop an amazing skill for growing perfect tomatoes, thus enhancing the community experience.
Possibly he may join a choir and sing a amazing castrato solo,
its all win win you see?