once the 5 tabs of acid wears off you just had....
"piracy, under no circumstances, not now, not then, and never in the future has no impact on the sale of the items which are pirated"
Paul once you land back down on reality I suggest a rethink, This is gibberish of the highest order Sites like Megaupload have destroyed plenty a SME business and sent numerous one man outfits to the wall, years ago we did a bit of a fact gathering exercise when the Game Far cry was released at a retail price of £24 IIRC per unit and it sold 730,000 units within four months of release.
Good show you say , well within 3 hours of the pirated version going online there were 33,000 irc gets , 40,000 seeds on Torrent sites, tons of spots on FXP boards, ftp sites, usenet...etc. All in 3 hours, there were more pirated copies within the first week than legitimate copies in four months, no much of an effect.
But here is the real funny thing fat gimps like billy bunter aka fat ass dot.com who make wads of cash out of it, i've heard people say yeah but i used MU legit , just my personal files. The only reason MU could offer this service was through the money it made through piracy whether directly or by round about means.
If you want to play a game, listen to a song, watch a movie, use a piece of software, buy it. All this diametric garbage them us, reminds me of the winace v's winzip fiasco ..Let’s not deal with facts there to inconvenient.
And Paul if you think my product is too pricey don’t buy it, but stealing it is ok.. I really want 458 spider guess it’s ok for me to steal one because i can’t afford it right or should Ferrari knock £120000 of the price just because i can’t afford it.
You be pissed if EMI or EA were stealing £100 per month from your wages before you where paid, but when the shoe is on the other foot?.
A thief is a thief .