Re: If he'd turned up in court
So they could extradite him to the US, which thinks its lies and laws apply everywhere to every person in every nation.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Sep 2010
Auto accidents kill a hundred times the Americans that "tera-ists" do, but we don't blow trillions and shred the Constitution from fear of cars. It's all nuts. Fear is being used to control us and blow our money on drones and crap instead of creating jobs and feeding Americans. This government Totally Sucks.
Snowden is a global hero but is being persecuted by the Obama Administration, which in the same breath, has told Banksters they will Never be prosecuted for massive crimes that nearly destroyed the global financial network, and put millions out of homes and jobs. And oh, they do after pot smokers with a vengeance since they are also such a big danger. Let's call it what it is - the Injustice Department.
Now if the NSA stopped the Banksters from colluding to destroy the economy again, so they could profit from their illegal reposessions as property values went up again, I'd day they might actually be doing something useful. But you'll never see that happening.
Geez, one good tsunami and they're out of luck, sea level rise or not.
And I sure am tired of Faux news political BS used to contravene hundreds of valid climate science studies. We all know the motive behind that. Sure, the poles aren't melting - it's all an illusion designed to enrage that fat windbag, Rush.
A leader who thinks decades ahead. When have we last seen that in the US? Teddy Roosevelt, maybe, since he established national parks. Too bad we can't import this guy and run him for President. Maybe fake his birth certificate for Real - it's time all the loons had a Real conspiracy to bloat about ;')
Unfortunately, Faux listeners can't conceive complex ideas such as putting more energy into a chaotic system like the weather can cause more Extremes. So global warming can actually cause more extreme cooling in different times and places. But overall the poles really are melting and it's hard to contravene that. Then, there is another paradox you couldn't explain to the Faux crowd. As the Arctic melts it dumps megatons of cold water into the North Atlantic, cooling airstreams that then drop further South, which may actually cool the Northern hemisphere for awhile. However, when we hit solar maximum in a few years, even that will suddenly reverse. But thanks to climate deniers it will then be too late to do much about the excess carbon burden. The PPM is going higher than ever in human history, and CO2 is an insulator. How anyone can ignore simple Facts like that is beyond me. However, according to a number of studies, Faux news listeners are more misinformed on fact than any other group.
I just wish they'd drop their rotten nonstandard browser, which is always two years late, and is holding up adoption of CSS3 and HTML5, since they only allow it on Win 7, as a clever marketing move, when every other browser runs on XP. The problem is, half the user base is still using XP, which works fine if you don't give a hoot about the Win 7 glitz. Libraries, schools, and institutions will be using it for awhile. Heck, my old emachines XP machine is faster than a newer Win 7 Dell machine I tried. This means a lot of people will not be able to see CSS3 and HTML5, so webmasters - once again - will have to develop multiple sites like in the browser wars. One for Real browsers, and two or three more for Msofts abortions. Many will just wait until the dust settles and not do HTML5 and CSS3.
Screw Microsoft.
But what bothers me is this business of private companies using the government as a 600lb gorilla to enforce their private concerns. I've seen this with insurers and state insurance commissions, and just lately, PA used Federal money to fund private companies that then enforced the wishes of selected corporations, by trying to intimidate people who lawfully opposed their plans.
The scumbag government can't bring back the economy - or start a jobs program - except for Bankster's jobs. But they can bend over and kiss butt to the RIAA/MPAA
But then the FDA, CDC, Interior, you name it, are all in bed with the corporate world. This is no longer a democracy. It's a CorpaGovernment.