That and a prominent name or logo...
and great quality and ease-of use
156 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2010
Politics is legitimate "showbiz for ugly people" but the the odobenous Mr Salmond and his shrill sidekick Sturgeon are abusing the privilege. Do we really want them dominating our tellies and papers for years to come? It's a legitimate concern.
PS "Walrus" need not be a term of abuse necessarily. Sure the characteristic under-chin flotation sac appears to be present but if Mr Salmond is also equipped, walrus-like, with a sturdy baculum, then he is more to be envied than derided and it would help to explain his trademark smug demeanour.
"You start by offering a free fix, move on to habituate your mark and once they're hooked, slowly start degrading the fix by introducing toxic substances that increase your profit margin. This is a proven mode"
Not so sure. I still use Google via Apple Mail because I can switch off almost all the ads. And now that Imstagram are going to start sending ads - well, it's been fun, but... Goodnight Vienna.
I'm one of those people who gets sick trying to read in a moving car. As a devoted Fan Man of seveal decades' standing I have to admit: the new GUI makes me want to boke.
Apple already know of this phenomenon, which is why there is an option on OSX to turn off dock icon magnification, which has the same nauseating effect. On me anyway.
Quote from Mashable: "Jeff Orr, a mobile industry analyst with ABI Research, estimates that there will be 1.2 million smart watch shipments worldwide this year, 7 million in 2014 and 140 million in 2018. That growth, he says, is based on the assumption that three or more big players enter the space and drive consumers to adopt the device."
They won't drive me. This piece of junk has flop written all over it.
My beloved wife has retreated to her trusty BB9300 after a very disillusioning bout with the Q10. We had a 3 day marriage-stability-threatening wrassle with the horrors that are BB Desktop and BB Drive before finally managing to move her into the Q10. Although initially dazzled she grew to hate the thing and we've sent it all back. O2 support were pretty helpful but not that well versed and just prolonged the agony.
Incidentally: what triggered the upgrade was that the BB9300 trackpad died. I'm no technician but I got a new trackpad for £5 from Amazon and courtesy of a very useful Youtube how-to, installed it and to my utter astonishment (you have to take the phone completely apart) it works perfectly and Mrs F is now happily texting away. Result.
Maybe fanbois don't drink Guinness but FanMen such as myself (circa. Mac SE/30) certainly do.
Or did, until I discovered the utterly magnificent Thwaites Tavern Porter, real stout in a bottle complete with yeasty secondary fermentation - modern Guinness of any format is one-dimensional in comparison with this profoundly satisfying and refreshing brew.
About £1.50 a pint in Makro and cheap at twice the price!
It's the next step from whipping out your mobe to see what time it is and getting all caught up in all the stuff.
I've just gone back - after 5 years - to wearing a conventional analogue watch (a nice hefty kinetic powered SKA465P1). My fanmobe remains trousered much longer and I'm a calmer and cheerier person as a result.
A smartwatch will make a self absorbed twtching neurotic wreck of you.
You don't need it in your life. Resist.
I've really enjoyed using Hailo in London: fare goes straight on to my CC, I have the cabbie's ID and mobile no., (great for women), I can sit and wait in comfort instead of dancing around on the kerb in the rain.
I probably take cabs more often with Hailo.
BUT - cabbies don't appear to be obliged to accept the Hailo offered jobs so at feeding-frenzy times and places you could wait a while.
... just about to haul my silly arse down to PC World, waltz blindly past all these beautiful Packard Dells and score a Mac Mini for £565.80 plus vat. I mean I've had 4 years to work out how crap my present Mini is and I'm off to score another one. Dumkopf or what!
You need to watch yourself at Cork airport. I once left a van in the long term car park there and flew back to the Yookay. Three months later I came back to find the van in the same spot, but the area it was in has been re-marked and fenced off as the hire car return park. Accordingly, the van was festooned with stickers, multiple clamped, relieved of a wiper and couple of hub caps, and I was told I'd have to pay 1250 punts to get it out. I talked my way out of it eventually but the whole experience was somewhat Kafkaesque.
But anyway Mr Savage should include a transit of the Kinsale Road Roundabout as part of the visitor experience - strange, perilous, unforgettable!