This may be a wolf in sheep's clothing as you can easily disable the facebook launcher and you're back to stock android.
51 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2010
I hear this a lot, but I find that Android on ICS and above is very easy to use, as does my not-really-technical-i-just want-to-send-a-text-and-check-facebook girlfriend.This was maybe not the case a few years ago but I think times have changed.
I'm sure I read a study once which compared how a 'virgin' user would perform tasks on iOS and Android, and I think it was really close. They measured things like hunting around to find the correct button etc.
You're right. Our Trust wanted to buy some software which prompted users to update their details when they logged on, which in turn updated AD. They got quoted ~£20k I think, including all the bells and whistles. We (IT) found one for a couple of hundred dollars which did everything we needed, but without our help the project managers would probably have ploughed on.
However this my experience in nhs IT: Our budget it get allocated, we spec something up, then the budget gets cut and we have to compromise and the system never really works as we can't afford to do what we wanted to achieve in the first place. We do try and get 'inventive' with licenses etc but there is only so much you can do.
Although rooting maybe straight forward for the target audience of this website, 99% of users not even know what rooting is and would never attempt it.
After I passed my Desire to my other half (i got a Galaxy s2 - sooo much better) I was forever looking after it for her; clearing up cache space etc. I don't know what HTC were thinking when they decided on space. It was the reason I left HTC and went to Samsung (2gb for apps, yes please!)
Like a lot of things, it's surely a price thing. The cheapest are about 300 quid, and some are more. I've just got a i5 (sandybridge) etc laptop for £399 (ASUS K53E, impressed with it btw) which will run everything I through at it from an OS standpoint
Is anyone surprised by this? Like dogged says, it will need a huge price cut to succeed
I work in Middlesbrough so I feel I'm well placed to comment....
Parmo's (I try and said Parmasan to avoid looking like a chav) are awesome, they generally come in chicken rather than pork though, and cost about £6 ish for a "full" (which would easily make 2 meals) . I haven't had one for 6 months as I try and keep them too a minimum for health reasons!
We've moved on to Shawarma's sandwiches now though...middle eastern loveliness!