* Posts by Justin Case

214 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2007


Latest Vista SP1 tweak open to everyone with a week to spare

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Who's hardest

I used to think that as a Linux user I was pretty hard, now I see that you have to be really hard to use windows - either that or go mad quickly

Tesla hits ejector button on staff

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Maintaining Standards

Just like to say how much I applaud El Reg's use of the technical argot viz "'leccy". It's the consistent high standard and academic rigour which sets this site apart.

(typed on my lappy whilst talking on my mobe)

Government piles filesharing pressure on UK ISPs

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Love the blackmail

Typical Nu-Lab: volunteer to do things our way or we will legislate to make you. WTF is the difference?

(Paris because she is a beacon of sanity in a mad, bad world)

Serious Flash vulns menace at least 10,000 websites

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Don't want Flash?

Try Linux on PPC based mac- that's right. No Flash here even if I wanted it. Seems I was wrong to feel deprived.

Ofcom investigates X-Factor debacle

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Vera City of Claims

Whatever the final result, I think we should be told if Dermot's little line about the 1% was correct at the time he said it...

Also, there are issues about the placing of the commercial break, allowing all of Leons little fans more time to vote after having heard his final song than Rhydian's.

What is more - if ITV really were serious about validity of votes they'd restrict it to one per phone number - wouldn't they?

And finally - I think I should get a life.

Drivers on the phone face the slammer

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Full Gaols

Like there's enough room for even more offenders?

Hang 'em, that's what I say. Or equip traffic cops with high powered rifles to deliver instant justice. If you're doing nothing wrong you've nothing to fear.

NHS frets over Brits' genitalia

Justin Case

QUOTE: "Strong Internal Advocates"

Shurly it's the Weak External bits!

<coat donned, door already flapping>

Public says no to ID cards, No2ID says 'starve the beast!'

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

Property Owners beware

It's all very well and good but when it comes down to it, if you have any property, ultimately you have to be prepared to lose it. Because "they" can take it. If "they" fine you and you don't pay, you have to bet they'll get it from you somehow. Only Paris makes it b(e)arable.

Apple Macs

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

@ Peter Johnston

Couldn't agree more. My G5 Powermac's peripherals all died one after the other just after guarantee expiry. Screen, keyboard, mouse, DVD.. I would never buy anything Apple made ever again...

...unless they brought out a Mac Paris Hilton

Nicole Richie warms to lamppost dog urinals

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

But Seriously

Where is the Paris Hilton angle?

Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Justin Case
Paris Hilton

One less ambition

OK so who will want a Nobel Prize now that Gore's got one? Not me. The award has been completely devalued.

Master crim leaves vital clue at scene of burglary

Justin Case

Good to see justice working... not

Over £2k worth of damage and only £1500 compensation ordered. Why do we bother?

No data protection exemption for YouTube baby battle video

Justin Case

Nothing to hide?

IMHO public employees when undertaking their jobs should never say anything which they mind being broadcast to the whole world. If they are ashamed of it, why say it. They're supposed to be working for us, I naively thought...

Brit uploaders teach Yanks man-hug techniques

Justin Case

Oo er missus

You said "tongue in cheek"!
