RSPCA parallels
I'm afraid that the posters drawing our attention to this may be more accurate than many people may realise. The RSPCA, though a charity, dresses like the police, behaves like the police and claims to itself many police-like powers. Indeed, though IANAL, I believe that Nu-Lab have given its "inspectors" some legal standing.
And like the police, they are not above "funny" behaviour. Many years ago there was a documentary about dog fighting. Part of the "evidence" gathered and confiscated by the RSPCA pending legal action were reproduction prints of victorian paintings of bulldogs.
And this is the point. And this is why we should all be scared. Having an antique picture of a dog is NOT evidence of a crime. But because THEY say it is, it is.
As it is in matters children and dogs so it will be with matters Internet. And so it will be with other self-appointed special interest watchdogs (excuse the pun) yet to make their presence known. Example: It is well known that people ACCUSED of crimes against animals are guilty of child abuse, hence RSPCA may well contact NSPCC - not my words, read this and be scared
I do not defend either animal or child abuse.