SI units say K is for Kelvin, k is for kilo.
Uppercase for units based on people's names.
Uppercase for prefixes M and above, lowercase for prefixes k and below.
So, you were in fact mishtaken and not half as clever as you think!
214 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2007
Really? I've been a somewhat regular visitor for more years than I care to remember. It's always been the irreverent nature of the content that keeps me coming back. Dabbsy and BOFH provide the anchor which draws me in every Friday. And when I'm here I will often read a few more articles. The Register, sans Dabbs or someone similar? Probably just Yet Another Tech News Site.
Hums: Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone...
It is comforting that Google searches are actually getting worse at finding me the answer to my many and varied queries about programming / bugs.
Could this be the beginning of the end, because right at the start of Google's journey what stood them out from their many competitors was the relevance and usefulness of their results.
IANAL but expectations of privacy etc seem to work for certain members of the upper echelons. In any case I suppose it's hard to extrapolate purpose to subscriptions to anything. It might be a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies even closer.
What does taking seriously mean in these cases?
I picture a room full of dour faced bureaucrats proclaiming with sombre earnestness, unleavened by any scintilla of self awareness, that their devotion to the sanctity and protection of personal data is untainted with any degree of levity or inappropriate jocular disregard. When really they mean they don't give a shit, never have and never will. Except of course when it comes to the actions of others.
What he did was absolute premeditated abuse. Any cop who does something like that should be hung up to dry, ridiculed, pilloried and never be allowed to forget it.
If we can't rely on their sense of decency and propriety not to do the wrong thing then fear of being caught and punishment it has to be. Anyone who shows such basic lack of impulse control is not suited to be in a position of power over other people.
Many, many times my phone has insisted that the weather I should be experiencing is sunny rather than the sodden actuality of real life.
If we don't get a direct hit, can I at least pray for a few satellites to be taken out? Being the sort of chap who revels in the misfortunes of others I would get much glee from planes dropping out of the sky and deliveries winding up in Wokingham due to GPS failure. It the Internet were badly affected, that would be a bonus too.
Icon: because that's my state of mind, that is.
Yes, Really!
Back in the days before I'd heard of Linux,having come up through various Sinclair and Commodore offerings and then getting a "proper" PC, I was so disappointed to find that there was no programming available. OK, so you could buy something like Microsoft Basic, but out of the box, nothing. This was before various PC mags started sticking CDs on their fronts, so not even a free sample of Delphi to play with.
Discovering a built in scripting language within a browser allowed me to scratch a programming itch for no more money. Which was important at the time. And demonstrated that there is indeed More Than One Way To Do It. With judicious use of cookies and query strings I was able to achieve what otherwise needed server side scripting which, in those days, also was charged for.
I'm not altogether happy about the idea of these unmanned bomb delivery vehicles being allowed free run of our cities and everywhere. At least with left luggage there is an unaccompanied suitcase, and with a suicide bomber you have to figure in a certain commitment to a cause.
This would appear to offer potential malefactors the ability to wreak death and destruction with relative impunity. These coolers appear none too stable, even when delivering a couple of cheese and onion baps - who knows how it will all turn out when they are co-opted into delivering a cargo of Semtex and rusty nails.
I for one welcome our new self-immolating, death-dealing, super-cool,er sandwich-toting overloards.