Crowdstruck? Crowdstricken? :D
7 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2010
So Skype will work on _this_ Linux. Grr. Stupid M$ will never realise that their rich kid nonsense is so last millenium. (And the Skype thing was made way worse by Bill saying he supports science. Git.)
I used to run Cyanogen *sigh*. It was so nice that a few years back Samsung poached their lead dev iirc. Another one bites the dust.
Still, was nice to see an article on phones that didn't mention Apple once. Dead company walking.
No good can come of this unless you're a founder who wants their own plane. Modding is what makes Minecraft special - certainly that's what keeps my kids playing - but MS don't do variety/community at all well. A vanilla console version has a limited span which MS will shorten further by integrating 'Live' crap. Hope to god this is just a way to distract from the slow public decline of Apple.
Nations with foresight are investing in their future. The UK science base is already the most efficient in the world (arguably) and amongst the most fertile by any measure, but significant cuts will wreak huge damage and cripple us for a generation or more. We're about to chow down on our seed corn. Stupid stupid stupid.
Fight the cuts. Visit to join the campaign/march/lobby.