utter npnsense, on both sides
1 - apple stuff:
you cannot see 3/4 of the web, because some dictator Jobs doesnt want adobe to exist or make money the same way he does. Long live free enterprise, until you dominate the market.
exit iphone and ipad and i-whatever, except OSX until that stops doing flash too.
who wants a crippled device, and not even own it or use it at will at premium price ?
quite a few people, apparently... :-)
the funny thing is, the ipad crowd is overpaid, overaged and not conforming to apples imago
that's promising :-)
2 - android whatever:
seek and you will find what works. find and you will seek more.
and be disappointed, regularily.
but save a lot of bucks, and things DO get better, wether google likes it or not.
that's promising, too... :-)
3 - be happy with either of the two. or both. it is possible...... :-)