Re: Blacklist
Did they motion-cap Spader for Age of Ultron? He plays Reddington with his head permanently tilted to one side, and the Ultron CGI was doing exactly the same.
11 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Sep 2010
I read somewhere that in Fleming's time most of the vodka available in the west was made from potatoes rather than grain, and was a little greasy. Shaking stuck the contaminants to the inside of the shaker.
The best quote about martinis has to be Dorothy Parker:
I like to have a martini,
two at the very most.
Three and I'm under the table,
four and I'm under the host.
The NOTW hacks (or their proxies) accessed the voicemails. This caused them to be automatically deleted. Had the messages not been accessed, they wouldn't have been deleted and the Dowler family would not have noticed that the previously-full voicemail spool was accepting new messages.
Trying to get a job on a Murdoch rag are we?