What's the point in being so stubborn?
If your competitor makes a great product, look at what it does well and improve on that. Microsoft is not going to reinvent anything on its own any time soon.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2010
Kind of, but the same skills are also needed to look after a Linux desktop. Linux users love to advocate how easy it is to install software with package managers, etc. but not everybody is on board. I wonder why, here's the installation guide for Spotify on Linux:
# 1. Add this line to your list of repositories by
# editing your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free
# 2. Run apt-get update
# 3. (optional) If you want to verify the downloaded packages,
# you will need to add our public key
gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.de.pgp.net --recv-keys 4E9CFF4E
gpg --export 4E9CFF4E |sudo apt-key add -
# 4. Run apt-get install spotify-client-qt spotify-client-gnome-support
You understand why grandma won't be using it anytime soon? Easy for you and me but try talking your parents through it. The installation guide doesn't mention how to edit your source list, or mention that sudo will be required to do so. Try going to the forums to ask about it and watch how badly you get flamed for being a n00b. I've been trying out Linux distros for a decade, but only now with the latest Ubuntu or Fedora is it useful and easy enough to have as a full time OS on any of my machines. And there STILL is no GUI to edit xorg.conf when it inevitably needs custom resolutions adding.