* Posts by tickedon

10 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Sep 2010

SimCity owners get free game, EA will get A NEW CEO

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Good list

Have to admit, I'm really surprised at EA - that's a really good list of games. I didn't expect anything like that and expected games from a few years ago to be offered up. Now the difficulty is to choose what to get... really not sure but I at least already have a couple, so makes it easier! Always wanted to get MOHW, but people don't seem that keen on it... decisions, decisions!

BT engineers - missed appointments


All fine!

We had a problem with our business lines in one of our offices last week - had no problem at all booking a BT openreach engineer and having him turn up on time.

Vodafone to let you roam in Europe at UK prices


They are increasing their pricing!

With Vodafone, I used to be able to pay £10 per month for 25mb per day in their Europe locations. It was a brilliant deal and I'm sad to see it go. Now, I'll end up paying £3 per day - that's £42 for 2 weeks, or a 320% increase!

It was my one reason for staying with Vodafone (I regularly go abroad), and my contract just happens to be up last month - time to move I think!

EA reloads, aims at Activision, goes for headshot


Bad idea

Really can't see this ending well... for EA

I think MW3 sales will easily surpass BF3. Sad but despite each annual COD release getting worse with obviously less effort going into each, I think there's too much momentum behind it with too much of the public willing to buy and pre-order no questions asked.

Dixons' best chance? Quit the UK and move to Sweden



Anna.. stop trying to be clever. You've utterly failed - DSGI is no more, they renamed themselves to Dixons retail plc and announced that back in June 2010.

Hence the article was correct referring to Dixons in terms of them as a company, not the now-renamed stores.

Orange first with iPad 2 sales pitch



Unless I'm missing something, o2 doesn't sell the iPad at the moment (only data plans for it) and neither does Vodafone. Three, T-Mobile and Orange are the three selling subsidised iPad's at the moment.

Ten... wireless keyboards

Gates Halo

Missing alternative...

Why you got a £30 cheapo Microsoft keyboard when the 'Wireless desktop 3000' is available for £36, I don't know:


I have a set, bought my parents a set, and everyone loves it. Good mouse, good keyboard. Uses bluetrack too. Pleasant keys is perhaps a bit loud for your liking!

vBulletin sues ex-devs over 'from scratch' competitor


It's out now

The XenForo beta release is now available, at the $100 sale price for the next 24 hours. Despite what they say in terms of the timing not being related, making a public announcement about the suit at 5:29pm the day before XenForo was meant to go on sale can't reasonably be seen as anything but an attack on XenForo.

36 hours late (or so), I'm glad that XenForo's now out and I can remove vBulletin from my websites - their vBulletinv4 software is a joke in terms of features and stability (never mind the pricing changes!). They seem to believe in putting their time, money and effort into trying to take down XenForo rather than improving their own software. A real shame but a perfect example of what happens when a big corporation doesn't really understand what it is buying when they acquired Jelsoft/vBulletin.

Microsoft secretly yanks TechNet product keys



Very glad I didn't renew then in July! Part of the attraction was being able to more or less not worry about the number of keys as I tested in VM's and on the desktops/laptops around here and similar... having to track keys and ask (call??) for more re-activations would just be really annoying.

If I had renewed, I'd have asked for a refund. Not sure it's really right to change this during peoples contracts...

Cinema chain bans laptops, tablets


Why people have laptops

My local cinema, a Cineworld, has had notices up banning laptops and similar for many months now. As to why people would have them... well... next to the cinema there are 2 large universities within 5 minutes walking distance (one literally the next street along), along with at least two colleges. There are several other colleges and another University all within about 20 minutes walking/public transport.

I have seen plenty of students coming in the evenings after (I assume) being at college/University during the day, with their laptops etc..., and arguing with staff that it's unfair they can't get in. While many business people aren't likely to go straight to the cinema after work, for students that seems quite reasonable - and they likely don't have a car to stash them away in as someone suggested above.

I'm guessing students are a good part of the customer base of cinema's, and also from surveys, in the age group most likely to pirate and download films etc... I can't see how putting up barriers to them attending is going to help cinema attendance and reduce piracy.

The big question is - what is going to start happening with the 5"-7" tablets like the Dell streak, if/when they start gaining significant audio and video recording equipment? Where is the line going to be between a phone, tablet, laptop etc...?