How many ads? It depends...
Are you using Ad nauseam?
315 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Sep 2010
In all the time I've been with mine I can only recall one outage which was due to the wholesale provider BT Openreach having and issue. As regards to cost/speed I'm only on a FTTC 67 Mbps DL service as it's just good enough and the exchange/street has only recently been upgraded to support Full Fibre (FTTP). Switching and keeping the cost the same would give me a 100 Mbps service with others available that I don't really need; 300 Mbps (+£5), 500 Mbps (+£10), and 900 Mbps (+£20).
Now that we have devices that have multiple Gb in RAM, it seems to be the case that 'Device has Xgb so we (user/developer) may as well use as much as we can rather than craft something non memory hungry". This now seems to be the case with mobile. From what I've briefly read both 5G and 6G will need more base stations than the prior generation, so really only cost effective in urban areas, which doesn't square with one of the perceived use cases of 6G being autonomous vehicles. I can only think that a meaningful use case is to supplant fixed (fibre) broadband to premises (FTTP).
I still don’t get why, BT Mobile, the parent offers a different service (supposedly slower) but has the benefit of piggybacking on home users WiFi. I can only assume there’s some competition law keeping the two apart. I (as EE user) wouldn’t mind the occasional use of piggybacking if I’m i b the arse-end of nowhere.
The was my introduction to computer programming. I even remember the textbook; Introduction to Programming Principles : Using Turbo Pascal by Richard W. Foley.
Perl and VBA quickly followed and departed leaving me with a few books on Agile.
Apparently JavaScript or Typescript would be easy for me to learn if I had the time and inclination.
Ok I appreciate that I’m not the target audience but I’m really not sure of the use case of this. I would have thought given the relatively small amount of glass you would get something that would scale up to a reasonable viewing size. Additionally, and maybe it’s because I’m way behind and only recently got an HD tv but why 8K now? Is there a real need or just marketing hype?
Indeed. There also the Facebook Research VPN app that managed to slip though into the Fruity App Store.
@h4rm0ny is lucky, my £600 one lasted 3 before getting a leak and discharging the coolant. I was quoted £300 for a re-gas with no guarantee it would even work. It's now in landfill.
I wouldn't be surprised manufactures use built-in obsolescence along with new shiny shiny to keep the profits rolling in. As for IOT a similar would apply. Sorry but that standard is now obsolete you need to buy the new product as we're not going to let you do a s/w upgrade.
"451: Unavailable due to legal reasons
We recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time. For any issues, contact or call 800-589-3331."
FFS - Another reason to use a VPN. S***e GDPR blocking.
Suspect these are the reasons as I don't recall getting many or any ads on TweetDeck; I'm buggered if I'm going to use a broswer when an app on my Macbook works just fine. Having said that, although this is my primary social media platform, Facebook is just there for seeing what friends are up to and hobbies (Geocaching).
I'm not willing to pay as much as £108 pa + x to use another provider on my phone so I suppose between a level that high I'll just use the native app and select "I don't like this ad" every time it appears with increasing prevalence. What I do on my Macbook with no native app remains to be seen...
Having done a study a couple or weeks ago when I was camping with friends in the West Riding of Yorkshire, we discovered that Irn-Bru was no use. The effective solution, albeit coupled with a wasp trap was diluted HP Fruity Sauce. Vespula Germanicae in other parts of the UK may have different tastes.
@bombastic bob
And lo Saint Jony of Ive came forth and looked at the form of the tablet. Unto all men and women he speaketh with a clear intent "Thy visual ornamentation displeases me greatly". And all responded with a single voice "Skeuomorphism is dead, praise be to flat UI"
Just don't do anything negative/sarcastic in response to a Police post, apparently that can be classed as a malicious communication
Dabbsy must have been really unlucky. I was at Ely Cathedral last month, staying on a boat. No problems at all with the Cathedral queue, it was a walkup for me. Went all in on the trours as it was a treat for the Mrs, payment was a quick swipe.
The 2 tours were very good although the Mrs didn't like the West Tower so much.
Try Caterpillar. They have a range from £50 feature phone to this years all singing and dancing £800+ s61.
Also this retailer. (No affiliation)
The first system I supported as a fresh young thing at my current employer is now at The National Museum of Computing. I'm not aware of any plans that will see me follow....
Arterial road, by name not designation, changed it's contraflow overnight recently from the westbound to eastbound carriageway. I'm guessing that the AV would just follow the correct traffic or would it get confused wit potentially incorrect mapping?
Additionally I'm guessing OS bean counters are working out how to provide daily electronic mapping updates and to appropriately monetize.
She is PM as she became leader of the governing party during their current term of office and IMHO was viewed as the least worst.