dadada is I believe (without bothering to google it) a hex colour code for a particular shade of grey!
Seems as though Mark Z is playing a private joke on the internet.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Sep 2010
I use cc as an ordinary punter and I could work with PS, AE and Premiere Pro over this supposed blackout. Didn't give me any problems at all.
Personally I prefer the subscription deal to the box set, which I always struggled to afford and as such only updated every third or fourth generation. Now I'm up to date all the time and have access to many more adobe products; more than I've ever had access to at any one time in my career as a freelancer
I baulked at paying monthly to start with, but for me it does work out better.
exactly my thoughts on this film. I took a look at this yesterday on Xbox live nd stopped when I saw the price. 540 points (or thereabouts) for a film whose funniest line appears to be 'I'm going for a shit'!
for the same money I can rent Skyfall on XBL.
drop the price to a nominal 100 points and maybe people will be interested enough to take the risk of wasting time, money and bandwidth watching it.
Say What????
Rock Band 3 seems to be going from strength to strength with massive demand for the keyboard and now the new Squeir real string midi interfaced guitar hitting the UK in April.
Maybe it's just those music games that failed to evolve?
Cool pun on this seen on another site "Guitar Hero Cancelled - Reason to fret?"
Health issues aside (I'm not going to live forever so give me access to my emails while I am here) this points to a growing trend of offering free WiFi to punters you want to draw in (pubs, coffee houses, burger bars etc.) but stick it to the customer when they are a captive audience (trains, planes, airport pubs(that offer free WiFi on the other side of the customs barrier)).
Four pounds for checking your emails! Bastards.