Re: "Politicians Waste $240M in TaxPayer Cash. Government wants to know..."
I thought you were being a bit harsh. That's until you mentioned Hollywood...
253 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2007
Just an observation to your comment: I would have thought that the liberal countries are those targeted by game makers. Europe and the US - I believe - are a bigger market than Iraq, Russia and Uganda.
However, when it comes to the spirit of the article, I don't really see it as a problem worth worrying about. Millions of people, me included, can't be grateful enough to the creators of gaydar, scruff, grindr and the likes. Do they have a straight section for straight people? They don't. If that's a bug or an intentional choice, who cares? It doesn't exactly discriminate in a way that makes some people's lives more difficult. It is not somebody's human right to be able to recreate themselves in that game. Reviews can be found online and purchases are often informed ones, there is little excuse for being outraged by such trivial issues. If somebody doesn't like something it is often enough to vote with their wallets rather than organising campaigns against everybody and everything.
I'm also vegetarian ( I know, I know ... ) but I have never thought of writing to the prime minister asking for steak houses to publicly apologise and have at least 50% of their menu suitable for vegetarians. I'll leave that to those irritating vegans :-)
I hope that the biggest part of the compensation comes from the quick links part. Otherwise virtually every company that offers a public toilet is in trouble. The primary school I went to, 32 years ago when I was 6, was already infringing their patent when it came to opening the bog door. Same with every airline I've been on. Good luck to them then!
I definitely considered quitting a few years ago, before I became self employed. I worked on a project which had very interesting technologies involved and could have easily been delivered long before the deadline. But a few people's decision to chuck every possible framework available on the Internet in it made it become hell on Earth. Any simple database SQL query had to be programmed using XML or Java annotations because Hibernate HAD to be used. Which added complexity and verbosity, and a magic touch of worse performance. All so that any variable with the same name of the corresponding table could be automatically populated - even if you didn't need that specific one. Bit of HTML and Javascript? No, too easy, let's use GWT instead. Nightmare to just pick up Javascript widgets already available for free, nightmare to code and - at least at the time - crossbrowser compatibility. Hard to control the HTML generated so to adapt it to most browsers, spent weeks on trying to make it work on most browsers, final result: more and more browsers dropped from the list of the usable ones. Something which I found even harder to understand was the use of Spring everywhere, and integrating it with Hibernate and GWT even if they could have both done without. Files and files and files of XML programming, and use of strings everywhere instead of normal object instantiation. Every syntax error - even typos, which Eclipse would have immediately highlighted - became a treasure hunt hidden within a 60cm runtime stacktrace. And worse performance because of the use of Java reflection. That was 2010 and I am still traumatised enough to type all that just to get it all - once again - off my chest. A colleague resigned saying that, after that project, he would have appreciated the joy of selling balloons outside the circus. So it's not always the work that has to be done, but the magpie management which wants to use every possible shiny acronym under the sun. Rant over - apologies.
Things go wrong, half a day or a full one can be a pain in the arse, but seriously? How many people were really affected by it? By affecting, I don't mean unable to tweet - which they managed anyway, I am talking about serious stuff...
There are cases of compensation because people trip in their own shoe laces now. Could this be a new reason for litigation soon?
"I couldn't instagram my breakfast this morning, all my friends started tweeting pictures of flowers with BEST CONDULENSIS LOLZ!!!1!! captions because they could only assume I was dead".
I believe it would also allow companies based in one country only to have the same or similar level of taxation of multinationals.
Which is the principle of a free market - making every company compete in a fair environment. Turns out that those who most bang on about free market are those who do everything they can to distort it in their favour...
Every time there's a bug in my code, it creates problems. When Google or Apple users discover 'bugs', they generally end up being features that are actually useful to those companies. Imagine that. I end up with null pointers, they end up with devices that track the users and send location data back to them, or the location and names of Wifi networks. Let's see if I can cock things up a bit more, and manage to find the way to obtain cold fusion with bad SQL.
"I could care less."
Great, it's important that we all care a lot. If humans regress to the point that only WFoG are used, knowledge will only end up being what we see and hear in churches, synagogues, mosques and temples... Good bye to IT and the Internet. And the best weapon against diseases will be prayers.
It was also painful to type, PaulR79. Very painful. I don't know what they teach in English speaking countries' schools because ( luckily? ) English is my second language.
The first time I came across "all" instead of "I'll" and "our" instead of "are", it took me a bit to realise what it really was. It makes you wonder wear we're at ;)
I am not on Facebook, but the screenshots of it that appear on Lamebook show that the word "nigger" is widely and often used, together with all its variations. Isn't that more offensive?
Worse than that, they allow comments which contains grammar decapitations like "would of gone", "all go when you go", "the place your going to", "we our going on holiday", "their going away".
The 4's glass one was too slippery, for no reason. Metal is just stupid and generally ends being covered in plastic.
I wonder why they felt the need to make it thinner ( which I guess means more complicated / expensive ). Did many people complain because they wanted to be able to put an extra book mark in their pockets? Or is it a pointless selling point?
If that poor rhino really has to be shot ( I would argue with that ), can't they write "evolution" on both sides? That would certainly attract higher bids from the sort of Texans who would consider bidding in the first place. Apologies to the "normal" Texans out there if they feel offended, this was not aimed at you at all.
I am not an expert, but I believe that the combination of a small font face, 200 dpi equivalent and anything else on an analog copier would somehow blur the result. I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong.
A blurry 8 ( or is it an 8? or a 3? or a B?) would make me squint and possibly double check the original just to make sure.
A perfectly clear 8 would make me assume it is an 8 which was born as an 8, and I would just go ahead taking it as good.
And "The normal quality option produces small file sizes by using advanced compression techniques. Image quality is generally acceptable, however, text quality degradation and character substitution errors may occur with some originals."
If you are making a copy, it means that you are printing it and you don't care about the resulting file which will be deleted once you are done with it ( again, an assumption which can be corrected by anyone in the know ). Even if it turns out to be 300MB, do you really care?
*Did it actually make a difference to how I used the damn thing? Did it buggery.*
It will make no difference whatsoever. But maybe it will force marketing drones to think about new ways to justify an overpriced kit? They won't be able to stick to "it's so easy to use" forever...
I have friends who run Linux distros on relatively old hardware ( coincidentally, they are the ones who asked me to install a good antivirus, Libre / Open office depending on how long ago it was, or just if I could make their boxes go a little faster ). They perform as well as newer hardware with Windows on it, but my guess is that they are less power hungry. Would Microsoft care to do a little research on that too?
It would also be interesting to see if there are variations when it comes to typing a text document or creating a spreadsheet...