Such a good readership El Reg. Not one person argued that Romford is in Essex. It took 54 years but we're finally getting there!
Posts by Gashead
45 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Sep 2010
Romford Station, smile! You're in London cops' final facial recog 'trial'
Google Chrome ad-blocking to begin in February – but what is it going to block?
Google 'screwed over' its non-millennials – now they can all fight back
UKIP website TAKES A KIP, but for why?
Ancient telly, check. Sonos sound system, check. OMG WOAH
FANBOIS' EYES ONLY: United Airlines offers FREE MOVIES on iOS kit
I'm in: Peter 'Dragons' Den' Jones launches bid to buy out Expansys
You're fired: Lord Sugar offloads faded PC builder Viglen to XMA
Air mattress blast blows German man across room
Come and get it: Feedly Pro hits general availability
Google lifts skirts, reveals Play All Access to UK market
Great For Amazon!
I gave it a spin this morning and instantly fell in love with Radiodread by the Easy Star All-Stars. Having a Sonos system at home I wanted a top quality version so I go along to Amazon and buy the CD for later ripping to FLAC and through the powers of AutoRip I have an instant copy I can download. Until, and it will never happen, Google sell CDs or at a minimum FLAC CD quality downloads Amazon will get my real money.
Google gobbles map app Waze
'You can keep it' - Brit's nicked laptop turns up on Iranians' sofa
Yes, hundreds upon hundreds of websites CAN all be wrong
Adobe's revenge on Steve Jobs: HTML5
iPhone 5 unlocked US prices placed on Apple website by accident
UK electric car funding - another subsidy for the rich say MPs
Re: "how far you can poke ... out"
The key aim of cycle lanes in many areas is not to achieve a safer means for cyclists to get around but merely to add to the mileage of cycle lanes the council can boast about. I've seen bits of lane as short as 2 metres, utterly pointless but 2 more metres added to the green credentials so that's OK!
Spend it on paint instead
A far better use of the money would have been to paint a strip of blue along the side of the roads like they do in London. These blue strips are very useful for drivers, they indicate how far you can poke your car out from a side road when waiting to join the main traffic flow without getting clipped by another large box of metal driven by somebody else too posh to take public transport or cycle or walk.
Who queues for an iPhone 5? Protesters, hipsters and the jobless
Lightning strikes fresh iPad Mini shots
Motorola Razr i hands-on review
Thrice shy unfortunately
It's a lovely looking phone and the strength of the case and screen would make it an ideal present for those clumsier people on my birthday list. But it is a Motorola phone so the chances of getting timely software updates in the near future and any whatsoever after a year or so are remote. I bought the original Milestone, got sick of waiting for Android updates. Bought a Xoom, turned out the Google Experience was only felt within God's own country and have never seen as much frustration on any technology subject as that expressed in the Motorola forums.
Even if it had a virtual keyboard and holographic display like the fanboi's iPhone that fooled Fox 5 in New York the name Motorola on the phone will ultimately end in tears.
iPhone 5 wait drives record Samsung smartphone sales

Re: funny thing that!
I'm not very impressed with Apple announcing the announcement date for the iPhone 5 as 12th September before the Paralympics have ended. A far higher number of disabled visitors to London than normal will have to contend with fanbois camping out and blocking the pavement outside the fruit shop on Regent Street.
Re: Although i'm not a huge fan of fandroids/androids...
Comparing like for like pop along to Amazon and you have a 16Gb Galaxy Nexus at £295 or a 16Gb iPhone 4S at £495. Could be a clearing of the decks prior to a Galaxy Nexus 4G (i.e. one advertised as 4G that actually works with the 4G available in the country in which it is sold) but either way 40% cheaper is one hell of a difference.
Re: Nonsense fake numbers...
iJoerg, Android is no joke. I bought an Android G1 followed, a few months later, by an iPhone 3GS. I gave the iPhone a chance, honestly, but more and more it sat in my bag while the pioneering G1 allowed me to do real things well. Come the Motorola Milestone I passed my iPhone on to a sucker at a premium price who has since himself ditched it in favour of an Android phone and tablet. If you want to ask people on Twitter what time X Factor starts then an iPhone is great, if you want to find out for yourself while still enjoying your timeline then get yourself in on the joke.
How do you measure up at the Olympics?
Reminds me of the English Schools Senior Boys 400M Hurdles semi-finals in 1975. First time around I qualified for the final. Then it was revealed that one set of hurdles in my race was on the wrong marker so they moved them in time for the second semi. Their times stood, we had to run again 2 hours later, bear in mind this is not the easiest of events to recover from. My time was slower of course and I didn't make it through as a fastest loser. I also had a leg of the 4x100M relay in between just to add to the fun.
Second win for Apple as Galaxy Nexus sales banned in US
Brits get to fondle Google Nexus 7 slab in just a fortnight
Canon PowerShot G1 X compact camera
As ever I read a review touting 1080p but not a single mention of sound options. I had a G9 which worked well with loud volumes but mono, G12 I now have is stereo but loud volumes are hopeless. I have approaching 3 million live concert hits on YouTube but have never seen a compact camera review cover high volume handling so simply buy blind..... err deaf.
Ssssh. Apple quietly mashes monster MacBook Pro
Re: @Gashead
@steveK Recently I took out Southbank membership which includes the top floor members only Royal Festival Hall bar. I was expecting to find a meeting place for beardy intellectuals discussing the latest work from up and coming artists. No, the prime seats looking over the river were exclusively people on Apple laptops blagging free wifi and as many seats as they could occupy.
Apple pulls in TomTom, kicks Google off iPhones
Ah yes, TeleAtlas. Google Maps used them. It took almost two years for them to change the fictional Lugsmoor Lane in SW1 to the actual Cleveland Row after i reported it. London walking guides are full of references to the fictional Lugsmoor Lane, rather gives away that the person who wrote the guide had never actually done the walk and taken notes.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail on Blu-ray
Ten... alternatives to Samsung's Galaxy S III
Hanging's too good for 'em - so what do you suggest?
Apple Beijing store egged in botched iPhone 4S launch
Philips 21:9 Cinema 58in LED backlit TV
Boney M frontman checks out at 61
iPad scammers hack Kirstie Allsopp's Twitter

Key technology guru Allsopp
I would suspect password guessing. When Kirstie got an iPad one of her first Twitter comments was a complaint that Flash wasn't working on websites despite this fact having been mentioned in every single review. Then there was the day she turned up at Legoland with kids to discover it was closed, obviously hadn't checked first.