Same job, different day
In other news, Foxconn will be hiring for 1 million employees to build the robots that will build the computer equipment.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Sep 2010
I've used Mac, Linux, and Windows and I think Windows is by far the worst OS. There are some things that I've missed with XP but Microsoft have been lazy in developing anything new.
I feel that Linux and Mac would probably be best for office use as they run a lot quicker and seem to be more stable. However most office croonies aren't so tech savvy and they don't really seem to care to learn to use a new OS despite it having several advantages over others.
Mac's uptake in the recent years should serve as an inspiration for Linux, as it seems to show that ppl aren't so attached to Windows anymore. I'm not particularly a fanboi of sorts, but I'd like some healthy competition to help push the OS vendors (ie Microsoft) to produce some better products. The future is looking better tho.