* Posts by Unanimous Applause

2 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Sep 2010

Reports: New Xbox could DOOM second-hand games market

Unanimous Applause

Who cares? not me

Don't trade in your games. Don't loan your games to your friends. This is a good thing for everybody. Now that punk from up the street won't steal your games because they will be worthless to him/her. If MS is going to make more money I would hope the games will be cheaper and possibly bring down the price of the console since most of the money they make is with game sales to begin with.

On top of all this, MS has not finalized anything yet, this is all just speculation and rumors.

Apple Ping unfriends meanie Facebook

Unanimous Applause

Who cares...Yet another social app.

I do not need another social network. Facebook works just fine and if Apple is ruling out the LARGEST social site on the web then I have nothing else to say...

I can barely handle working with people who use Apple products at work so why would I want to socialize with them during my off time?