Who said anything about trusting anyone?
Interesting that the word trust only appears in the headline of this story. There must be a degree of trust between a cloud customer and the cloud supplier and it is often possible because the customer's legal advisers have been involved in the process. I know lawyer bashing has become a bit of a hobby these days but the fact is that as relationships become ever more complicated, and there are few more complicated than in the modern corporate world, you need people who will be able to keep score. That's where the lawyers come in. Dumbing things down and hoping everything will work out for the best just because you're afraid to think about the issues isn't the answer to them. Get the lawyers involved. IT doesn't like it when business units use shadow IT to get around them because the IT departments are the experts and should have a say in how things are done. Similarly lawyers and risk experts expect their expertise to be sought when needed. It could be that getting lawyers involved in the process will allay some of the fears about entering the cloud in the first place http://ow.ly/byoWG