two different discussions...
OK, here goes on two differing topics:
Android has a larger market share because manufacturers will put Android on REALLY low-end phones, so people have Android when they don't even realise it - take phones like the Wildfire S, it's small, low-powered, has a low res screen, and a small memory, but it comes free with a £15/month contract... people think "I can get a phone that does nothing or a smart-phone for the same money, I'll take the smart-phone thanks", so they get Android and never do anything with it...
Apple phones cost more, but are a BIG fashion statement - you see more people with iPhones who want to "appear trendy" (look at the hipsters), they care more about how they look than what the phone does (Android obviously has the better technology push, but iOS is "more stable")
One of the main reasons that developers make more money on iOS is that App Store users are more likely to pay for an app than Market Place users are, because there are more free apps on the Market Place, so iOS users have less choice - buying crap-tastic apps for stupid money while a free alternative is on Android! Look at the top seller Xmas a couple of years ago, it was a fart app, all it did was make a stupid noise when you touched the screen, but people bought it because it was "funny" (for about 10 seconds), but it made the developer TONS of money
Next, it's EASIER to develop for iOS - there are really only 3 screen resolutions to develop for - iPhone 3G(S), iPhone 4(S) and iPad... while Android has TONS of different resolutions, not just on phones but throw in the tablets and it gets insane, even similar resolutions have to be catered for (take the Galaxy Note and the Galaxy Nexus, 1280x800 and 1280x720 respectively), so it takes a TON more work to decide what your app will work on
All in all, to make more money, for less work, even though the initial license costs more ($25 for Android, $99 for iOS), and the launch restrictions are harder on iOS, it's EASIER to develop for iOS than it is to get a good quality app out for Android! It's simple math - less effort + more willing customers = MORE MONEYS!!!!
Another issue with Android is that it's down to the manufacturers to release new versions of Android to their phones, and since most "skin" the OS, it's more work for them to deal with older phones than to concentrate on where the money is - new phones & customers!
It's not Google's fault that manufacturers throw their OS on ANYTHING, but it's the manufacturers fault for not allowing their users to upgrade to newer OS versions!